tips and secrets of the GQF 1502 sportsman...

I agree way beyond here.  However, Airplanes fly by the distance between the molecules on the top of the wing being further apart than on the bottom,

Apples & Oranges vs the water

Hatch and sell more chicks to pay for more equipment. That's how I got my latest brooder battery as I'm retired too, from aviation no less!!!
Ah, JetCat.
I think there are quite a few of us retirees on BYC.
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I came across this for a home-made hatcher/incubator. I'm sure other places have it too.
Thanks, I have never used that style of heat and fan element but I am sure it will work. I have the a STC 1000 and a ITC1000. I really like the coil heat spring that incubator warehouse sells for a cabinet incubator with the STC1000 or ITC1000 thermostat. .. I have a homemade cabinet incubator and wish I had another one but for now I am going to make the styrofoam incubator. I only have 3 and maybe 4 more weeks of hatches left. Two hatches of about 14 eggs each a week..
My incubator can hold 232 eggs and I currently have 28 eggs in there..LOL Talk about over kill.

Have you used that fan/heat element? Looks nice and compact.
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Looks like you have a good plan. I have about 200 eggs in my incubator and room for another 100. My bottom tray is empty but I will fill it this next week then I will decide if I want to hatch any more. These are test hatches. I have some people that want eggs from my pure Rhode Island Reds and Rhode Island Whites. I show them at poultry shows and have done pretty well with them. I am hopeful I will have a good hatch rate before I ship any eggs out. I have some projects in the incubator too.

I have been replacing wire in my pens and almost done. It's hard for this old lady but I'm getting it done. Hubby has Parkinson's so he isn't too steady. I am replacing the chicken wire with welded wire and hopefully will never have to replace it again as long as I have to live. I have had some breaches and escape artists. I have done the worst fences first. I have replaced a couple of pens with chicken wire and since the chicken wire is relatively new fencing, I'm leaving it for now and working on the other pens. I have 10 coops and pens. I need a new coop for my Leghorns so we are in the planning stages for it and the pen. I am quite surprised my hubby agreed to it. After we built the last two coops he said no more.

I have not used that fan/heater element, but it looked interesting to me too.
Looks like you have a good plan. I have about 200 eggs in my incubator and room for another 100. My bottom tray is empty but I will fill it this next week then I will decide if I want to hatch any more. These are test hatches. I have some people that want eggs from my pure Rhode Island Reds and Rhode Island Whites. I show them at poultry shows and have done pretty well with them. I am hopeful I will have a good hatch rate before I ship any eggs out. I have some projects in the incubator too.

I have been replacing wire in my pens and almost done. It's hard for this old lady but I'm getting it done. Hubby has Parkinson's so he isn't too steady. I am replacing the chicken wire with welded wire and hopefully will never have to replace it again as long as I have to live. I have had some breaches and escape artists. I have done the worst fences first. I have replaced a couple of pens with chicken wire and since the chicken wire is relatively new fencing, I'm leaving it for now and working on the other pens. I have 10 coops and pens. I need a new coop for my Leghorns so we are in the planning stages for it and the pen. I am quite surprised my hubby agreed to it. After we built the last two coops he said no more.

I have not used that fan/heater element, but it looked interesting to me too.

Too funny cmom. I have 7 coops filing up the back of the barn. Hubby said no more coops last year. Here he is working on 5 new breeding coops.
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Quote: I like that, I wish I could put some on the backside of my barn but there isn't enough room because of the coops and pens we have behind it. We are going to move our compost pile for the new addition.

You can see a couple of the coops through the barn. The new coop and pen will go on the right side of them. I do have electric around all of the coops and pens.
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I like that, I wish I could put some on the backside of my barn but there isn't enough room because of the coops and pens we have behind it. We are going to move our compost pile for the new addition. You can see a couple of the coops through the barn. The new coop and pen will go on the right side of them. I do have electric around all of the coops and pens.
cmom looks like a nice set up. Here are my coops under the lean to on the back of the barn. They are protected from the west wind & get the morning sun.
First pic is the south end.
Smaller coop & then 4 breeding coops with moveable walls in the runs so we can enlarge area if needed.
North end coop is the grow out pen. Not much room left after all this. Just enough space to build a feed room.
I wanted to put the coops different but the way they ended up was hubby's idea. All I could say was "YES DEAR".

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