To Hot?

Here are some heat-busting ideas for chickens:
a shallow tub for them to wade in (some will, some won't)
freeze water in milk jugs and put in out for them to lean on or lay next to
put ice cube in their water to cool it and toss some into the pen for them
make sure they have lots of shade

How to make an air conditioner:
cut three holes in a bucket, and put short PVC pipes in the holes. Place a gallon jug of water frozen overnight inside. Take the base off of a fan and place it face down over the top of the bucket. Set it in your chicken pen under shade and near water. I plan to make one, but i haven't yet.

To be safe, I would move them back to the brooder until most of the heat passes. Put them inside during the hottest parts of the day, and out at night and during the early morning and evening, but still even during these times, provide some of the cooling ideas i provided above. When they are older, continue to give them these things.
Chicks are ok, and hopefully were expecting some lower temps next week. Spent allot of time around the coops today and the wee ones seemed to be adjusting to the big boy home, playing in the sand, etc...just went out @ dusk dark to do a final check, and they were chirping up a storm as if something was around the pen, but nothing was there. They were outside in the run part all in a corner, crawling on top of each other frantically..I put them all in the coop on straw, as i sat to watch, they all ran to me and laid between my knee's and jumped up on my lap..nestled in and was quiet in minutes...I went in my house and got them a small might light, and a big stuffed chair pillow with arms for them to nestle around...I think they were afraid of the dark? I found it quite enjoyable to play mom for a minute.. My daughter ask me whats next...Netflix and a big screen for them.. I told her, no way...besides, i dont know of any all night chicken channels...
Mine did that on their first night out in the coop. They're probably nervous. They will get better about it. Soon they will just be in a big comfortable pile and then before you know it, roosting on the roosting bars.

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