To keep him or not....advice?

I suppose it comes down to whether you want a rooster or not.

Since you aren't interested in breeding and don't need a flock protector that's two reasons to not have a rooster. But liking to hear roosters crow and liking to observe the rooster interacting with the hens are valid reasons to own one.

As is enjoying his beauty.

It's OK to want a rooster just because you want one.

It's OK to not want a rooster, not even a good one.

Can anyone offer their wisdom or experience? Or possibly talk some sense into me??

What are your goals for having chickens? Specifically why do you want to keep that boy? The only reason you need a rooster is if you want fertilized eggs. You say you don't, everything else is personal preference. Nothing wrong with personal preferences, I have a few of those myself. But that is not a need, it is a choice. My general suggestion is to keep as few boys as you can and still meet your goals. I don't know if the right answer for you and your goals is one or zero. You are not guaranteed problems with boys but they are certainly more possible if you have one or more.

How often do roosters attack? It depends on the individual. Some often, some never. Sometimes they attack one person and not another.

Some boys are good to the girls, some not. We have different definitions of "good to the girls" too. Some behaviors I consider normal and natural really upset some people. Our perceptions of good and bad play into this. Age can be a factor. At 11-1/2 weeks old he isn't that far into puberty yet. Behaviors can change dramatically in puberty. Behaviors can change dramatically as they leave puberty and mature into adulthood.

I'm not going to try to tell you whether to keep him or not. That has to be your decision. I do suggest you have a Plan B if you do try to keep him. You may never need it but know what you will do if you suddenly have a need to lock him away from the girls or people on an instant's notice. I think you need this even if you only keep the girls. You never know when you have to isolate a injured hen.

Good luck, it is not always an easy decision to make.
He sounds really sweet! So glad this conversation came up. We have 1 rooster and 4 hens. Big Red is a beautiful Buff Orpington and he is very watchful and protective of his girls, always eats last, "mounts" them gently and generally a good rooster....however 2 weeks ago (they are 26 weeks old, hatched by us from eggs) he attacked myself and my husband when our backs were turned. It's like he is suddenly aggressive toward us. I am heart broken because he is such a good rooster with the hens! I don't want to get rid of him, as we would like to increase our flock at some point. The ladies have been laying everyday since 23 weeks and we are so thrilled. But I don't even feel like I can take my eyes off him for a minute while in the run with them, a bit scared to even bend down to pet the ladies! Advice??
Thank you for all the kind and encouraging words while also being realistic and not holding back on the reality of keeping roosters. I am extremely appreciative of everyone's comments and take them to heart. I will try to answer some questions but I'm sure I will miss a couple. If they are important for reflection or decision making tools please please re-ask.

-I am only wanting a rooster for personal reasons. No breeding and no intense protection.
-Having a rooster that crows all night and waking neighbors will not be permitted. He will have to be re-homed or soup(which most likely soup from the horrors I've read about re-homing)
-As for aggression I am willing to work with him during teenage years and slightly beyond. But I cannot have a rooster that constantly needs to be watched with the possibility of attacking at anytime. It will put too many lives/well beings at risk and I'm not willing to do that. I have rescued dogs and I follow that same rule. My goal is to help all I can but I have to know when it is too much for me or my family (which will include my dog who will feel the need to protect us if he continually attacks).
-We will only-i have 1 rooster for sure!
-We have a XXL(think great dane) dog cage to use for separating in the garage. It is tall enough to have roosts and hang feeders/waterers. They should be comfortable in there. (It might even be larger than some coops! Lol)
-I like the name idea! I've been calling him Oscar the Orange Rooster but shall change it to Chicken Oscar, which is actually not a horrible idea to try! Who needs steak😝
-I've talked with the neighbor who's window is closest to the coop/run. He said crowing would be fine during day hours but might be an issue if he is waking them from sleep during the night. We have the understanding that we WANT him to keep open communication. But we are always very open and clear about this from the point of move in with all the neighbors since we have dogs and again when we decided to keep chickens. He also said there has never been a noise issue and they have no complaints this far. (I should have asked about the yelling at my most desperate times with 9 yr old DS but honestly, I'm a bit embarrassed to ask that😳) hahaha
-I will also talk with the other neighbors when I can catch them.
Can anyone think of more situations I am not prepared for? I am not taking this decision lightly, a rooster is a big addition and I want what's best for our family, our hens and the rooster. It is very important for me to be educated as much as is possible when there are always curve balls possible.

Thanks again everyone!
And here he is! Chicken Oscar


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