To stay in or out?


Duck love is recognizable in any language
Nov 26, 2018
London, UK
My Coop
My Coop
Hi all, I just want to make sure I know what to do whenever I get tornadoes coming here in Alabama. So when the time does come that there is a tornado, I'll be prepared. am I supposed to let the ducks out when there's going to be high winds and or heavy rains, and tornado watches? I'm curious to know because it will be good to learn that way I'm prepared for it. Thanks! Fluffy
I don't think anyone can make that decision for you because there are too many variables. These would include the type of enclosure you have, how sturdy it is, where else the ducks could go to get out of the wind, etc.
I know that my chickens kind of freeze when a strong wind comes up if they are out in the lawn. I have had to herd them all in when we got major blows, with every one taking off in a different direction when they do decide to move.
Now in a heavy down-pour, they will run under the chicken coop where it is dry. But the wind and thunder confuse them.
Just make sure you have food for them in case stores are closed due to damage, a few first aid supplies and perhaps a dog carrier to use as a sick bay for wounded if necessary.
And say a little prayer for them. It won't hurt.
Tough call. Birds left outside in a tornado may survive but they may also be blown into the next county never to be seen again.
Then again, a henhouse taking a direct hit could get some of the birds killed.
It's really a tough call. Thank you guys for your responses. and I just decided to leave the hen house door open in case they wanted to come in or out. I got loads of food and first aid kits, so I'm pretty good right now.. Thank you guys again for responding!
Same threats here as this system approaches today. I think if the sirens go off, I'll be heading to the basement and leave my chickens in Divine hands...
No chance of tornadoes here right now, but in the summer time, this has always been my plan. Trying to secure the birds doesn't guarantee they will be safe, since you can't predict where or what part of your property may be hit.
Tornadoes strike randomly. Some places are more prone than others. I'm at the eastern edge of tornado alley. In my lifetime, where I live has only been hit a few times and no direct hits to where I lived but they were very close.
But given that the strongest winds on the planet are within tornadoes, it is still a gamble between hoping for the best and death.
When it is really windy, rainy or snowing; my chickens stay inside anyway so I keep the pop door closed to keep out the draft. My chicken coop is concrete floor to ceiling (including the ceiling) and is partially buried by the dirt ramp to the haymow - so they have a better bunker than I have for bad weather, lol.

Personally, I would lock them in for the day and scatter BOSS for them to find
In Alabama myself- I’ll be letting everyone out in the AM for a stretch and a meal but they’re going back in the coop at noon because of high wind concern. Was just thinking about a game plan myself...

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