Toad Raising.

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They look extremely healthy and no sign of an angel wing. I think it is my fault, I let them eat too much early on. Even toads need to have food restricted.

I have not processed the hen yet, I am still working up to it. My Uncle was here today, he is an old turkey farmer, he says he thinks it has a dislocated hip and not broken. Same result, she will be culled.

She is comfortable enough in the cage so I am in no hurry.
I moved 4 eggs from the incubator to the hatcher, discarded 9.

The poor hatch is a combination and of toads being poor breeders and my being lackadaisical in my care and setting of the eggs.

I am down to one adult hen, Bertha the 3 year old. She lays often enough, but I want a dozen or so before I set so if she takes a break it can be nearly 3 weeks between sets making some old eggs.

Of the 4 I moved 3 look good, one looks real iffy.

I think I have up to 3 pullets laying now. This is a good thing! I should have more in a month to set. They are just too small right now.
found an old thread, but interesting ideas

Effect of Carbonated Water on Growth Performance of Cockerels Subjected to Constant and Cyclic Heat Stress Temperatures. W. G. Bottje, P. C. Harrison; Poult Sci (1985) 64(7):1285-1292. doi: 10.3382/ps.0641285

The Effect of Tap Water, Carbonated Water, Sodium Bicarbonate, and Calcium Chloride on Blood Acid-Base Balance in Cockerels Subjected to Heat Stress. W. G. Bottje, P. C. Harrison; Poult Sci (1985) 64(1):107-113. doi: 10.3382/ps.0640107

Research Note: Effect of Carbonated Drinking Water on Production Performance and Bone Characteristics of Laying Hens Exposed to High Environmental Temperatures. K. W. Koelkebeck, P. C. Harrison, T. Madindou. Poult Sci (1993) 72(9):1800-1803. doi: 10.3382/ps.0721800

Here is the link with full citation from my post above:

Effectiveness of Novel Methods to Reduce Heat Stress in Broilers: Chilled and Carbonated Drinking Water. P. O. Okelo, L. E. Carr, P. C. Harrison, L. W. Douglass, V. E. Byrd, C. W. Wabeck, P. D. Schreuders, F. W. Wheaton, N. G. Zimmermann.Transactions of the ASAE (2003) 46(2):453–460. doi: 10.13031/2013.12966
(Full text available free here.)
found an old thread, but interesting ideas

Effect of Carbonated Water on Growth Performance of Cockerels Subjected to Constant and Cyclic Heat Stress Temperatures. W. G. Bottje, P. C. Harrison; Poult Sci (1985) 64(7):1285-1292. doi: 10.3382/ps.0641285

The Effect of Tap Water, Carbonated Water, Sodium Bicarbonate, and Calcium Chloride on Blood Acid-Base Balance in Cockerels Subjected to Heat Stress. W. G. Bottje, P. C. Harrison; Poult Sci (1985) 64(1):107-113. doi: 10.3382/ps.0640107

Research Note: Effect of Carbonated Drinking Water on Production Performance and Bone Characteristics of Laying Hens Exposed to High Environmental Temperatures. K. W. Koelkebeck, P. C. Harrison, T. Madindou. Poult Sci (1993) 72(9):1800-1803. doi: 10.3382/ps.0721800

Here is the link with full citation from my post above:

Effectiveness of Novel Methods to Reduce Heat Stress in Broilers: Chilled and Carbonated Drinking Water. P. O. Okelo, L. E. Carr, P. C. Harrison, L. W. Douglass, V. E. Byrd, C. W. Wabeck, P. D. Schreuders, F. W. Wheaton, N. G. Zimmermann.Transactions of the ASAE (2003) 46(2):453–460. doi: 10.13031/2013.12966
(Full text available free here.)
this post could be interesting to others in warm states like @Fire Ant Farm
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