Toddlers are Quackers

:lol: Of course, they are very soft. She isn’t used to anything but Chips ahoy.
As often as I say it, please let me say it again. Duckling has no panties anywhere else. She told me after her shower this morning. After a while of being a naked butt (wearing a housecoat), I had her go upstairs for clothes. Apparently panties are all the clothes she wanted. :lau They were the one pair of 4Ts that keep getting past me when I put away laundry. I commented that I need to get her more underwear, and asked what character she wants. That is when she began telling me about no panties.
She was originally finished potty training here two years (minus five weeks) ago.
I did a lot of work today. One job being figuring out how to fit the table back in the kitchen.
We had spaghetti for supper. She set the table. We worked on manners, and eating like an adult (because at 44 and 30 the bios still have to cut their spaghetti into tiny pieces). Obviously she got very messy!!! I assured her that she was washable. I said I could lick her clean, and she was not impressed. “Or I can lay you on the floor, and let the dog lick you clean.” I thought she’d get mad about me continuing to joke. She gave a thoughtful look, a bob of the head and, “that might work.”
:eek: :lau:lau:lau

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