Toenail ripped off, swollen toe


6 Years
Oct 12, 2017
High Desert, S. CA.
I got the scare of my life today when one of my bantam cochins began limping. I lost my dear Silky to Marek's last October, and I thought it had come back. My heart was broken. But I picked her up and looked at her left foot. The toe is completely missing and her actual toe is swollen a bit. I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief! I brought her in and washed it thoroughly and put her back in the run. It must be so painful! What else can I do for her? And what do I need to have on hand? Thank you!
the same happened to one of mine some weeks back. Assuming there's no bleeding or infection, I would expect her to stop limping when it stops hurting (a couple of days, probably), and the new nail will grow at the rate that nails do. Mine is doing fine.
Thank you, Perris! Went out this morning to feed, and her toe is still a little swollen, but looking SO MUCH better! She is no longer limping! I am AMAZED at how stoic and resilient chickens are!

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