Tolbunt Polish

The pullet looks great - not too many white feathers which I assume is a defect. Many of the photos I've seen show Tolbunt birds with a lot of white feathers. I assume the chicks that display a lot of white, particularly on their chest do not carry this through to maturity?
The pullet looks great - not too many white feathers which I assume is a defect.  Many of the photos I've seen show Tolbunt birds with a lot of white feathers.  I assume the chicks that display a lot of white, particularly on their chest do not carry this through to maturity?

Yes, definately you are correct. In general, the large white areas in a Tolbunt chick's color pattern, i.e. breast, throat, legs, etc., feather-out inline with the chick's body color as it matures. The current proposed standard, written in 2005, suggests as a defect, "Any appearance of three or more solid white feathers in either wing or the tail."

And, Ilia, I have to agree with PolishLady on her first comment too, your hen is a beaut! :)
Are you suggesting silver laced with a white spangle? Doesn't sound that interesting. Perhaps if it were silver laced with a burgundy spangle that would be something.
As for creating it. I can only suggest photoshop.
I saw a pic of a Silver Tolbunt Wyandotte bantam once, you are right, not that interesting. Basically looks like a bad silver lace because of the white tips on the feathers.
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Because I'd seen photos of Tolbunt with a lot of white feathers I'd considered using a white muffed and bearded rooster with my pullets. Then having read the (US) standard and followed this thread I've reconsidered and the option seems gold laced rooster or NOTHING! I say nothing because there are no Tolbunt here. I dream of creating them and have produced some pullets with an encouraging feather pattern.

Gold laced Polish are very hard to come by in Australia and I've found do not always breed true to type as they have been 'created'.

I find this site a constant inspiration. Participants seem so generous in sharing their knowledge, woes and success not to mention their brilliant photos.
If you live somewhere where there is no chance of getting a Tolbunt Polish, the only possible way you're gonna get some is by making from scratch, and the only way to do that is by using crested birds who are mottled. No solid whites, but mottled. (black with white tips) It's a long road though. With luck and huge batches you could get Tolbunt on your second generation.

Indeed silver laced mottled (silver Tolbunt) isn't all that interesting, but so far my family finds my sex-link (golden) cockerel quite attractive. He's just a tad yellow in the crest and on the wings and saddle, but otherwise looks much like a mottled silver laced. It's basically like a messy, broken silver laced.
Illia, I'm undaunted! Up to a third generation now with some nice mottling, but not very good crests.

Should add that I've had Polish for over thirty years now so am not short on patience, perhaps skill but not patience!.
I have been searching for Tolbunt Polish for quite some time. Does anyone have any suggestions as to who has any available, and at a reasonable price? The ones I did find were asking over $500 for 6 chicks. I'm not looking to spend that much. Does anyone have any thoughts or recommendations?

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