Tolbunt Polish

Hi guys....this is not exactly Tolbunt related but have tried everywhere else with no hoping to get a lead here since I know a lot of breeders use the GL in Tolbunt lines...I am looking for some GL (LF) eggs..I have been looking for months and never in a million years thought it would be easier to find Tolbunt eggs than the GL but it has..if anyone out there knows anything, feel free to PM me..Im located in WV so the closer the better but at this point Im willing to buy from CA :(
Thanks in advance for any help ♡♡
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Hi! I'm new to tolbunts. Only recently discovered them, then, well, I accidentally bought some eggs off ebay from someone who had the nicest looking birds on there as far as my tolbunt ignorance could tell. This weekend 5 of the 8 eggs hatched, much to my glee!

Anyway, now I could really use some help on some tolbunt education.

How much you can tell about the coloring in the crest when they are chicks? If the spot on the head is solid white, will the crest be too white? I have a couple that have some darker spots in the white spot on the head... Not sure of what else I should look for to tell what overall quality they may be? Sorry, about all the other breeds in the photos. It was hatching day for others as well. But BOY those tolbunts sure stand out. Thanks for any comments, good, not so good, or otherwise! :)

Careful on ebay...there was a person on there selling tolbunts using pics stolen off of BYC of "their" birds.
I hatched some out this year as well and found that their poufs do change color when they feather out. Some of mine were white others had spots and they all have colorful top hats now. I didn't buy mine from ebay but from Omega Hills farms. Love these little birds! (Mine are still little lol)
Do you know where this ebay person is located? I just found about a dozen tolbunt eggs for 50$ They have amazing coloring but not very good crests. I want to know I get really good tolbunts and not junk stuff.
Okay. Thank goodness!! This person that I found is in Washington and only an hour away from where I live. Thank you for helping me!!

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