Tolbunt Polish

Has anyone been able to keep their Polish with a mixed flock? I don't breed, so I have a mixed flock - hoping to add some Polish. Will I need to keep them in their own pen?
Has anyone been able to keep their Polish with a mixed flock? I don't breed, so I have a mixed flock - hoping to add some Polish. Will I need to keep them in their own pen?

I have some of my "pet quality" tolbunt in with my layer flock and typically it is fine if they have enough buddies to be with
Has anyone been able to keep their Polish with a mixed flock? I don't breed, so I have a mixed flock - hoping to add some Polish. Will I need to keep them in their own pen?
I don't have any currently but am getting some hatching eggs so hope to have a few very soon. I read in a BYC review that they do not do well with other non-crested birds, maybe someone who owns currently can confirm...
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I think that running crested with non crested fowls can cause problems. The non crested, with better vision, tend to pick the crested birds.
You can only give it a go.
I am needing...wanting some tolbunt polish eggs to hatch for the NYD hatchalong...anybody want to swap me some eggs for anything on my page????? Plz?! Lol
Has anyone been able to keep their Polish with a mixed flock?  I don't breed, so I have a mixed flock - hoping to add some Polish.  Will I need to keep them in their own pen?
I have 8 polish mixed in with 6 silkies, 5 breda, a cuckoo marans and a barred rock with no problems...I let them out most days to roam around in a picket fenced in front yard. I've not had any problems with picking.
Hello all, just wanted to let you Tolbunt lovers I have a frizzled tolbunt hen from Gretchen that I am FORCED to sell. I can ship. any offers please pm me. She isn't laying yet but should be in a month or so.

Any questions please ask. For some reason I can't get this posting to post in the for sell tab..

Thanks & god bless.

this is her

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