Tom Turkey...Lost his "Voice"??

If it is blackhead...with the bird not eat ANYTHING? He still won't "gobble" and still has his feathers down, still keeping to himself mostly just laying down in their hut all day...occasionally getting up and wandering around the pen.

I have the waterers loaded with cayenne. He does still have the watery bright yellow poo.... I have seen him drink, but not eat....though I did just bring plain yogurt out and he and the female gobbled it down. I tried some scrambled chicken eggs this morning though...and I don't think either of them touched them (though I guess maybe they just dont care for eggs? who knows)

I'm just worried that I might be treating something altogether different than blackhead...with cayenne and it wont do anything for it. Could it likely be anything else...or blackhead is probably the main concern?
This thread will provide good info. on meds required for treatment of Histomoniasis ("blackhead"), along with info on worming entire flock:
Should I deworm my poults. One pooped a bit of yellow today so I loaded them up with pepper. Does the cayenne just supress blackhead?

I have no idea about "pepper suppression". I'd immediately order the Metronidazole to treat the turks & pick up some Safeguard for worming of all poultry on property.

I believe dosing/info on worming in provided in thread linked to however, check casportpony's posts in this thread (is well acquainted with "blackhead").
How did it work out? My Tom is not gobbling as of today. He seems fine and was on display while I was collecting eggs. He is usually quite vocal and will gobble back at me and the kids when we call. He also putts and clucks pretty often. But this morning, every time he tried to gobble back at me, there was no sound. Does this sound like a turkey cold? We are in central Florida and have had some major climate change recently. We were in the high 80's last week and then this week, the highs has been high 50's & low 60's.

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