Tom Turkey Vomiting?


Jul 22, 2023
Southern Ontario
Recently got a pair of younger turkeys, my best guess is 2-3 months old.

Anyways, everyone seems good! Eating and drinking well! Only problem is that the tom occasionally keeps throwing up liquid. I don’t understand why, and apart from being a little slow-moving he eats and drinks perfectly fine and is active. The two are a bit feral having not much human contact before they came to me, but they’re warming up slowly—just mentioning I don’t know if I can pick them up easily.
How does his crop feel in the morning?
Checked today and his crop is empty, but that’s to be expected in the early morning. He seemed a little fluffed out and tired-acting when letting him out while the hen was her usual perky self. But he was chirping, eating, and drinking just fine.
Can you post poop pics for him?
If I can find some, absolutely! Additionally I got a pic of him today, and I’ll include some other recent ones. If anything, I suppose.

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