Tomato plants OK for chickens?


11 Years
May 25, 2008
Winston, Oregon
A frost got my tomato plants already. There are still quite a few tomatos on them and I was gonna give those to the chickens. Is it ok to just pull up the whole plant and toss it to them?
Really??!! I gave mine to my chickens about a month ago. I did notice they didn't have much to do with them. They picked the tomatoes out and pretty much left the vine alone. I guess I am lucky they thought it was yucky!!
The plant itself contains too much solanine to be safe for ANYTHING to eat it.... so don't let them eat it
You might want to try making some fried green tomatoes for you and your family as well. We had high winds last week that blew four green tomatoes right off the vines. I didn't want them to go to waste so make Fried Green Tomatoes as an appetizer for dinner that night and my whole family loved them (even DS who doesn't like cooked tomatoes). They actually taste quite different from ripe tomatoes and have a different texture as well.
Tomatoes are in the Solanaceae or nightshade family.
The family includes Datura (Jimson weed), mandrake, deadly nightshade (belladonna), capsicum (paprika, chili pepper), potato, tobacco, tomato, eggplant and petunia.

OH NO!!! Hubby just tossed our frost hit tomato plants in yesterday after weeding the garden! Not my girls!

Gotta go get it outta there!
Fear.... mine have been munching on the leaves all summer long. I had no idea. Now what? They love the tomatoes and I see them picking at the greens. Ugh.

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