too early to tell the sex?

I am going to assume hen.

I am really NEW to this whole chicken thing. I would like to know if I am wrong or right...
I'm hoping for a pullet. The BYC community spotted my EE roo right away. I am suspicious of one of the other little bantams too. Not 100% positive on it's breed so it's hard to tell.
It's definitely one of the more vocal of the bunch. I haven't heard it crow yet, but I will listen.
I'm not sure what Juliechick saw to make her think roo, but the more upright stance, the redder and larger comb and what are staring to look more like pointy saddle feathers had me wondering.
Thank you!
Those are the things I look for too, also a wattle.. Which I didn't see here... It could be the pix but I don't think the comb is very red... And I don't see pointy saddle feathers. I also look at thicker legs.
Thank you!
Those are the things I look for too, also a wattle.. Which I didn't see here... It could be the pix but I don't think the comb is very red... And I don't see pointy saddle feathers. I also look at thicker legs.
D'Uccles don't have much wattle so that's why you're not seeing any yet on this one. The comb is what makes me think rooster. A little pullet would have a very tiny, pale comb at this age. Also, I'm seeing shinny, black, curved tail feathers starting to develop.
D'Uccles don't have much wattle so that's why you're not seeing any yet on this one. The comb is what makes me think rooster. A little pullet would have a very tiny, pale comb at this age. Also, I'm seeing shinny, black, curved tail feathers starting to develop.
[/q]. Thank you for that info!!!

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