Topic of the Week - Feeding Treats

I've heard that Apple and tomato seeds are toxic to chickens. I give cut-up apples to my flock if I've made salad for the bearded dragon, but even then it's been cored so no seeds. I don't give them tomatoes at all (because I'm not going to the trouble of seeding a tomato) but I'm sure they would love it if I did. Is this a real thing or am I being paranoid?
Hi all you wonderful Chicken nurturers! I have only had chickens for 7 months - ready to lay after having 2 brain injuries to help me learn something new! My chickens have after starting very rarely not laid an egg daily each. I'm wondering why not feed them bread, yogurt or bird seed. although I don't feed bird seed since my chickens are "cooped up" they love all these things and it gives them something different to peck on besides each other. I have learned that they shouldn't have tomatoes or apples or they become more "peckish" with each or other more cannibalistic. They seem to be thriving except when I inadvertently gave them avocado/skins and just about wiped them out. :( One only got sick really and she came back well after some TLC and time apart to recoup her energy. I don't have a run, as yet, I think that will be good for them but need to make it mink proof as we have a mink ranch right next door....We'll figure that out this spring! Look forward to the responses! Red Door Coop, Ontario.
Sounds like my "girlies" are spoiled but rewarding me greatly! I wouldn't change a thing except getting them to be outside some....they need the sun! They get the early morning sun but only later sun through a window on the west which doesn't last too long at this time of year or in the winter. We have lights on from - now @ 6pm until 10pm and that seems to work for now. They give hints of wanting to roost when I do my last "check" @ 9pm. It is great fun, for the most part except for those freezing rain days in the winter..........but spring always comes! Red Door Coop
We give starter feed and also turkey baby food with scattered peas which they go wild for and dried meal worms..the ducks love the peas and meal worms as well..of course we always offer grit with their feed
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Great Topic of the Week!

At what age can you start offering chicks treats and how do you go about it?

I do not have an incubator so any hatches we have had here have been with a broody mumma and in the coop/run. Treats start after approximately 1 week of age. I do not leave any food in the run overnight so when breakfast is served to mumma and babies it is medicated chick start with a side serve of whatever the big girls are also getting [see below].

What treats do you give your flock?

I think that depends on your definition of treats.

The largest portion of their daily staple diet is organic, coarse grain, layer mix.

Smaller part of their daily staple diet is: Mixed leaf lettuce with any of the following ... corn, peas, cooked potato, carrots, tomato, rice, pasta, scrambled or boiled egg, chicken, beef.

I only have 5 x bantams so pretty much what I am cooking the night before, if they are able to eat it, I cook a little bit extra for them.

In summer, they get watermelon every weekend.

Treats are:
Daily: live meal worms at the end of my work day, approximately 5 each.
Once a week they get to share a small slice of cheese.
Also, once a week, they might get some bread, or whatever I am having for lunch which they insist on sharing

Some banana occasionally because they are not really huge fans but if I am eating one they want some anyway!

Every couple of months they share a can of sardines in oil.

Once or twice a year they get yoghurt.

How much and how often do you feed treats?

See above.

What treats should NOT be given to chickens, or given in moderation?

Like Wyorp Rock, I have found what my gals like and have stuck with that. I rarely try anything new because they usually do not take to it but if I am going to try something, I always search BYC or Google as to whether they can eat it.

What is your flocks favourite treats?

Meal Worms!!
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My chicks I raised on homemade feed, so they got "treats" from the get go. Raisins, all kinds of herbs, cooked egg, cottage cheese, etc. I brought clumps of weeds and soil for them once they were about a week old.
Now that they are big they get weeds from the garden, and leafy vegetable scraps or leftovers, squashes, cucumbers, tomatoes, sprouted lentils, mealworms, BOSS. When it's hot, watermelon and ice water with frozen blueberries. Raisins are still their favorite. Also alfalfa hay when the greens are gone in summer and fall.
I don't ever give them grass or hay - they go get their own...
Ours get grit from the start. We will offer small bits of soft fruit and vegetables at two weeks of age. We turn our chickens out every evening. The compost pile is close to the run and they help themselves to kitchen scraps and garden waste. Plus they help turn the pile. We also give them dried mealworms. One of our Red Quill hens will jump waist high and grab them from our finger tips.

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