Topic of the Week - Feeding Treats

Mine get dried meal worm as babies.

Adult birds get calf manna and BOSS. Calf Manna more in the winter than the summer.

They love Bananas! Grapes! Strawberries..scrambled eggs. Chicken..ha ha..oh yes they do. Bread, so much more. I saw this today..going to try it when those hot days come around.

Just throw some corn into a muffin pan..of course, anything that is good for a chicken and can be frozen will work. In the muffin pan to the freezer for a nice cool something when it's hot out there. And we do get hot in the summer! Like I said, saw this today..corn may not be the ideal treat in the summer. I would probably put something like shredded carrot or even spinach/kale. Anything chicken yummy!

Mine get dried meal worm as babies. Adult birds get calf manna and BOSS. Calf Manna more in the winter than the summer. They love Bananas! Grapes! Strawberries..scrambled eggs. Chicken..ha ha..oh yes they do. Bread, so much more. I saw this today..going to try it when those hot days come around. Just throw some corn into a muffin pan..of course, anything that is good for a chicken and can be frozen will work. In the muffin pan to the freezer for a nice cool something when it's hot out there. And we do get hot in the summer! Like I said, saw this today..corn may not be the ideal treat in the summer. I would probably put something like shredded carrot or even spinach/kale. Anything chicken yummy!
Wonderful idea, and your timing is perfect. Just last night I was going to throw away a muffin tin, but not that I've seen your post, I think I'll keep it!
What wealthy people feed their poultry
Great Topic of the Week!

At what age can you start offering chicks treats and how do you go about it?

I don't have chicks.

What treats do you give your flock?

How do I put this into words? I thoroughly spoil my hens as they get lots of different greens, a mix of scratch with white millet seeds, some cooked brown and white rice, scrambled eggs, cheese, fruits, carrots etc. (not all at once) and they get a mixture every morning and afternoon - they have their layer pellets all day and a separate container for oyster shells. I've also given them honey, cooked fish - what I've read that is safe to give them, that's what I give them.
I have 6 hens and they give me 30-36 eggs a week.

How much and how often do you feed treats?

See above.

What is your flocks favourite treats?

String Cheese
Quote: I gonna have to try that!
Mine love it! Actually I had to do a double take this afternoon when i went to their run, the cabbage was half gone when i left this morning and when i got home it literally looked like something had hung one of my white chicks! I almost screamed, but long story short, it took them less than 24hrs to get rid of it!

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