Topic of the Week - Feeding Treats

Has anyone tried feeding Chia seeds while in the brooder? Mine loved them when I put in a light sprinkle of them but I have not seen Chia listed in the suggested treats, nor in the foods to avoid.
I started giving my flock treats when I first let them in the coop. I gave them fruits and veggies that were safe. I started giving them leftovers once a week, and I once gave them extra cupcakes that didn't have frosting. They went bonkers for that. But I haven't done that since. They really like mealworms, I call it chicken crack because they hear the bag and immediately run over and stare at me screaming with excitement. It's hilarious. A half watermelon is pretty refreshing for them when it's in season and fun to watch.
Quinoa cooked is great for the chooks. And yogurt. I get mealworms on line, much cheaper than at feed store. And black fly (Soldier fly) larvae on line, which has 50 times more calcium than mealworms. My chickens don't like black fly larvae as much as the mealworms so I mix them together.
Every place that I looked for mealworms, they all come from China. That's why I get Grubblies - the black soldier fly larvae. That comes from the USA. They are fed pre-consumer waste and while it's not organic, it's not from China!

I have yet to find mealworms not from China but I haven't looked in a while.
I am a first time chicken owner and am having a a blast! This might be a dumb question, but has anyone ever got a bug zapper and fed their chickens some fried bugs for added protein?
I am a first time chicken owner and am having a a blast! This might be a dumb question, but has anyone ever got a bug zapper and fed their chickens some fried bugs for added protein?

as long as there are no chemicals you can feed them. there is no need to cook/fry them. some people just let them drown in water and feed chickens and ducks.

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