Topic of the Week - Incubating eggs

I have a welsummer hen & rooster & I would like to try & incubate a few of her eggs. Can I gather a few of her eggs over the course of a few days & incubate them all together? I know that would make my possible hatch dates different but didn't know how others do it...
I would pick up her eggs store them in egg cartons small end down. Tilt them a couple times a day. For up to 10 days then set them in an incubator.

Then all Wil hatch at same time.

You'll be just fine doing that.
Yes. Store at room temp. If you have a basement or a closet that is a little cooler store them there.
I have a welsummer hen & rooster & I would like to try & incubate a few of her eggs. Can I gather a few of her eggs over the course of a few days & incubate them all together? I know that would make my possible hatch dates different but didn't know how others do it...

If you collect the number you want, (collecting eggs for less than 2 weeks is best) storing them as mentioned and setting them all at once will put the hatch day all on the same day, (generally hatchers all hatch out within 24-48 hours). Hatch day has nothing to do with when they were laid, but when incubation starts.
If you collect the number you want, (collecting eggs for less than 2 weeks is best) storing them as mentioned and setting them all at once will put the hatch day all on the same day, (generally hatchers all hatch out within 24-48 hours). Hatch day has nothing to do with when they were laid, but when incubation starts.

I had no idea eggs could be stored that long & still have a chance of hatching- after incubating. Thank you!
I had no idea eggs could be stored that long & still have a chance of hatching- after incubating. Thank you!

Most people prefer setting eggs a week or less old, the most quoted recommendation is 10 days or less, but it's agreed pretty much after 2 weeks viability significantly decreases. But your collecting them so they are not being incubated until set.
I know there will be people that disbelieve what I'm about to post. I assure you its the truth. The eggs that I mentioned earlier, 120 degrees confirmed by three thermometers length of time unknown, HAVE BEGAN TO PIP.
I can't believe it. I was about to throw them all out when I noticed one starting to hatch.I candled a turkey egg.. ... I saw MOVEMENT!!:) :)

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