Topic of the Week - What do you do with all those eggs?

I have a quick question. What does it mean when a chicken lays down on the ground then sticks one wing up?
Sunbathing. At least, that's how my girls do it. Just stretching out to get the full benefit of the sun.

As for what I do with the eggs, I usually end up trading with people. One friend brings me empty cartons and bread ends, I give him a dozen eggs. Another friend gives me organic "landscaping" advice, I give her a dozen. My sister gets me fancy shampoo, she gets as many eggs as she needs.

I haven't been able to bring myself to outright sell them, though. I don't know why.
My daughter LOVES making egg salad for sandwiches! We use about 16 eggs at a time and I always take left overs to work. I've also gotten very good at making vanilla creme brûlée!

I sell overages at work and give them to family members. Recently, I've started listing them on Facebook marketplace and LetGo.
She's probably sunning herself.
or waving?

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