Total halt of egg laying, normal?


11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
Hi All,

I've got 2 Barred rocks and 1 RIR, all about 1.5 years old, and I haven't found an egg in probably 2 weeks! I know they're supposed to slow down in the winter....but total cessation!? We've had "the talk" (they didn't seem to listen), and I'm 99% sure they aren't stashing them anywhere in the yard (I've looked high and low). They've got food and water, though they did "run out" of food for about 6 hours a while back. But they free range all day, so it's not like they had nothing to eat. Any thoughts?
Yes, normal. (Well, well within the normal range of variation for what happens when days shorten this much, anyhow).

They probably laid better through the winter last year when they were pullets; subsequent winters, chickens often don't do as well.

(edited to comment: jeez, did I use the word "well" enough times, there? LOL)

If it's taken them til Dec to quit laying, there's a good chance they'll start up again in January, probably earlier rather than later. Hoard the eggs you've got in the fridge, but probably you won't have to go without for *too* long

Good luck, have fun,

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