Toulouse Geese Thread

I used to be into dog showing in England years ago, and I never saw this colour in dachsies. The first time I saw them was here. I thought they were cross-breeds,
I do have 1 that looks like the typical mini dachshund, but her color is called Wild Boar, shes dark red. I use to have long haired minis before these, but living in the woods those poor dogs were constantly having problems with stuff getting caught in their coats. so when they died I decided on short haired, wash and wear. minimal grooming.
I love the breed can't imagine never having one. we also have a mixed bird dog who thinks she is a dachshund.
I do have 1 that looks like the typical mini dachshund, but her color is called Wild Boar, shes dark red. I use to have long haired minis before these, but living in the woods those poor dogs were constantly having problems with stuff getting caught in their coats. so when they died I decided on short haired, wash and wear. minimal grooming.
I love the breed can't imagine never having one. we also have a mixed bird dog who thinks she is a dachshund.
I can imagine the red one is really even moreso than the standard deep tan? My three little dogs definitely aren´t wash and wear (good expression)..they´re a yorkie, a maltese and a poodle-cross, and their coats pick up everything!!! They come in and out of the house a thousand times a day, and bring everything in with them too!! Now and again I have a day just to wash them and cut their coats. They´re really sweet. I got them when we first moved here and lived ina town house, but now we live in a field, it´s a bit different. I love the nature of the maltese, but I think I won´t get another fluff-ball while we live here!
I can imagine the red one is really even moreso than the standard deep tan? My three little dogs definitely aren´t wash and wear (good expression)..they´re a yorkie, a maltese and a poodle-cross, and their coats pick up everything!!! They come in and out of the house a thousand times a day, and bring everything in with them too!! Now and again I have a day just to wash them and cut their coats. They´re really sweet. I got them when we first moved here and lived ina town house, but now we live in a field, it´s a bit different. I love the nature of the maltese, but I think I won´t get another fluff-ball while we live here!
You can't relate living in Brazil but when it snowed here my poor long hairs would get huge snow ball on their legs from running in the snow. we'd have to bring them home and put them in a warm bath to thaw out their snow ball so they could walk, they loved to run in the snow though. lol

yes you do have some coats to keep up with don't you. same here I love the long haired but not while we live here. I'll get a pic of Lily she is such a sweet heart.

pics of Lily and Annie my mix

that's all my babies
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I just got 4 toulouse babies a couple days ago and I just love them! They are so cute even though they are going through that semi gawky stage lol. But I've been having some problems with my muscovies being mean to them, they leave my chickens alone but the new 'babies' have been getting picked on. :/ and the thing is the 'babies' are just as big as the 2 1/2 month old scovies, do I just wait for them to get larger and show the scovies whose boss? I've never had geese before so I don't know what the best thing to do is. :/
I just got 4 toulouse babies a couple days ago and I just love them! They are so cute even though they are going through that semi gawky stage lol. But I've been having some problems with my muscovies being mean to them, they leave my chickens alone but the new 'babies' have been getting picked on.
and the thing is the 'babies' are just as big as the 2 1/2 month old scovies, do I just wait for them to get larger and show the scovies whose boss? I've never had geese before so I don't know what the best thing to do is.
I'd separate by temp fencing for a while, Scovys need to get use to them, I have goslings going on 4 week old and just about all my Scovy's are scared of them even the drakes. So give the ducks time to get use to them then the geese will run the show.
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You can't relate living in Brazil but when it snowed here my poor long hairs would get huge snow ball on their legs from running in the snow. we'd have to bring them home and put them in a warm bath to thaw out their snow ball so they could walk, they loved to run in the snow though. lol

yes you do have some coats to keep up with don't you. same here I love the long haired but not while we live here. I'll get a pic of Lily she is such a sweet heart.

pics of Lily and Annie my mix

that's all my babies
Oh, I´ve seen poor dogs back in England with snowballs on them, to the point of not being to walk, either! I´ve seen dachsies this colour in England, just not the patchy one. Your mix looks sweet, too. She looks like she may have spaniel in her?

I just got 4 toulouse babies a couple days ago and I just love them! They are so cute even though they are going through that semi gawky stage lol. But I've been having some problems with my muscovies being mean to them, they leave my chickens alone but the new 'babies' have been getting picked on.
and the thing is the 'babies' are just as big as the 2 1/2 month old scovies, do I just wait for them to get larger and show the scovies whose boss? I've never had geese before so I don't know what the best thing to do is.
Scovies can be quite mean, so I´d keep them safe when you can´t be near them, and let them out to raom when you´re about so you can shoo the scovies off if they get too much. I have scovy ducks that try to pick fights with my geese until the ganders come along and see them off. Your gozzies don´t have anyone to back them up yet. Later on, your geese will be able to boss the scovies around, but not just yet.
I'd separate by temp fencing for a while, Scovys need to get use to them, I have goslings going on 4 week old  and just about all my Scovy's are scared of them even the drakes. So give the ducks time to get use to them then the geese will run the show. :)  

Ok thanks Miss Lydia! I'll try to keep them separated, also as I'm very new to toulouse...and geese in general, is there an easy way to tell the sex of my goslings? I know that the males and females look almost exactly the same....but I've heard that the color of the tip of their beak can help you sex them, is this true? All my babies have black tips to their beaks...if that means anything.
Ok thanks Miss Lydia! I'll try to keep them separated, also as I'm very new to toulouse...and geese in general, is there an easy way to tell the sex of my goslings? I know that the males and females look almost exactly the same....but I've heard that the color of the tip of their beak can help you sex them, is this true? All my babies have black tips to their beaks...if that means anything.
I haven't heard that about the end of their bill but if you post some good pics servpolice maybe able to tell you, he's pretty good at sexing. and we'd love to see them too.
Ok thanks Miss Lydia! I'll try to keep them separated, also as I'm very new to toulouse...and geese in general, is there an easy way to tell the sex of my goslings? I know that the males and females look almost exactly the same....but I've heard that the color of the tip of their beak can help you sex them, is this true? All my babies have black tips to their beaks...if that means anything.
I don't know if the dark spot on the tip of their beak is a sex indicator and will always defer to servpolice (who ID'ed mine correctly) but both of my female Toulouse have the dark spot and my male Toulouse does not. Also, the female beak is noticeably more orange than the males. And, the female legs and feet are more orange than the males.

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