Toulouse Geese Thread

Those two are so pretty and stoic. What are their names?
I can't see it? Is it a nest of cinder blocks in the back? I admittedly have bad eyes, I didn't notice my goose had nested either. I do see something near the front that looks like and egg, but still not sure.
Funny that you mention the calcium, those geese usually don't show any interest in the eggshells I toss out for them, but I noticed since I found the nest she has been excited to snatch them out of my scrap bucket before I can put them in the feed dish. It's a good idea, I will have to go dig out my hanging feeder and give her her own dish of oyster shell too. I also noticed the swim/poop thing when we had the pools out during the summer. Pretty sure the plug thing won't be too difficult to put into the trough if it doesn't have one. I think those big suckers come with one in it, I will just have to go out and investigate to find it.
I keep oyster shell out year round for my layers and when Missy my goose begins to lay she eats it too. Very good idea to keep it out.
Well I'll give it a try and at least won't be too discouraged if it doesn't take.
Would it help to close her in the goose house with her man made nest?

I'll definitely try to get her to move. I made a new nest in the goose house and flattened the other one, so we will see what she does.

They are SO cute! Oh now I want new little goslings so I can watch them grow up all over again!
I totally feel ya with the hidden eggs. I was so bummed that I didn't notice the GIANT nest full of eggs! And then I saw the nest this morning - no more guilt! Man that thing looks so hidden!!! What a hoot! Can you find the nest? LOL
Kuku, when you move the nest, try to put some of the old nesting material that she had in the new one, so it has her smell on it. Geese havea good sense of smell. And then her eggs....she may be ok. I don´t know whether shutting her in with them would work or not. She could just get stressed out...see what happens.
Kuku, when you move the nest, try to put some of the old nesting material that she had in the new one, so it has her smell on it. Geese havea good sense of smell. And then her eggs....she may be ok. I don´t know whether shutting her in with them would work or not. She could just get stressed out...see what happens.
I sort of shoveled the nest into the house. Used most of the same stuff, just piled it on top of fresh hay so maybe she will use the hay to cover them up. I put two eggs in it and left it open so she can see that they are there, then put a cinder block on top of the other spot to try to discourage her making a nest there again.

I'm surprised I didn't step on it! Silly goose
I sort of shoveled the nest into the house. Used most of the same stuff, just piled it on top of fresh hay so maybe she will use the hay to cover them up. I put two eggs in it and left it open so she can see that they are there, then put a cinder block on top of the other spot to try to discourage her making a nest there again.

I'm surprised I didn't step on it! Silly goose
Good work, now hopefully she'll use the new site.
I sort of shoveled the nest into the house. Used most of the same stuff, just piled it on top of fresh hay so maybe she will use the hay to cover them up. I put two eggs in it and left it open so she can see that they are there, then put a cinder block on top of the other spot to try to discourage her making a nest there again.

I'm surprised I didn't step on it! Silly goose
Well I would never have guessed that´s where it was! Funny bird! Now let´s just hope she accepts the new spot.
Well I would never have guessed that´s where it was! Funny bird! Now let´s just hope she accepts the new spot.
I watched her a little on and off through the window. She kept going over to the old spot and digging a little, picking things up as if to re build, so I put a few more blocks on the site so she absolutely can't get to it.
Is there any other way to encourage her to use the house besides making the nest and leaving the eggs in it? I don't know if I need to show her the eggs are there or anything.
Wow KUKU! She really didn't want those eggs to be found.

We got another egg today. This one froze though :(. Dang this cold cold weather! Tomorrow we will be lucky to get a break, but it's supposed to rain and the next day the temps are supposed to drop again. I know that the whole nation is having crazy weather lately, but I really need a break from this wild wind and cruddy cold.

I've got two heat lamps out there now. I had a hanging heater there, but it died. The newer ones we've got blow the fuses, it might be time to close it up and move the geese over to the big coop where the chickens and cats are. That one stays much warmer.
I watched her a little on and off through the window. She kept going over to the old spot and digging a little, picking things up as if to re build, so I put a few more blocks on the site so she absolutely can't get to it.
Is there any other way to encourage her to use the house besides making the nest and leaving the eggs in it? I don't know if I need to show her the eggs are there or anything.
To be honest, I think it´s going to be very diffiult. She knows where her eggs are. They´re just not where she wants them to be.Give her a couple of days..if the old nest is impossible to get to, she may just give up, but they´re very determined. Make the one you´ve made for her cosy. I use barrels on their side, and water tanks cut in half so they have a little place to go in..the height isn´t that important, they like to duck into their nest. As long as they have enough floor space. Can you put your finger on why she lkkes that particular spot, and why i´s different to the other? Is it quieter there? Is it lower down? etc She´ll have an egg inside her and she needs somewhere to dump it, so hopefully the new nest will be the place. Or, let her slowly get over the fact that she´s lost her nest and wait for her to start again in a better place. Just keep an eye on what she´s up to. You may end up having goose egg omelettes yet.

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