Toulouse goose can fly?

Hi Toulousemama here..woke up this morning to find Gertrude limping... She refused to go into pen last night.. I finally caught her early afternoon to inspect her left leg. It is not broken but is extremely tender I've got her penned up to see how she how she is tomorrow.Any suggestions till then..thanks Toulousemama
Hi Toulousemama here..woke up this morning to find Gertrude limping... She refused to go into pen last night.. I finally caught her early afternoon to inspect her left leg. It is not broken but is extremely tender I've got her penned up to see how she how she is tomorrow.Any suggestions till then..thanks Toulousemama
Oh no! I have no idea if this would help but maybe use some sort of splint? Where on the leg is it tender?
Hi Toulousemama here..woke up this morning to find Gertrude limping... She refused to go into pen last night.. I finally caught her early afternoon to inspect her left leg. It is not broken but is extremely tender I've got her penned up to see how she how she is tomorrow.Any suggestions till then..thanks Toulousemama
You need to make them go up for the night unless your pen is like fort knox. there are just way to many predators out there who would kill Gertrude and eat her to let her stay out even if she refuses to go in. She is not aware of the dangers but we are. If the leg is swollen and tender you could try soaking her leg in some warm water with Epsom salt added then after mixing it real well place both legs into the bucket[just easier to do both] 1 cup of Epsom salt to 1 gal of nice warm water. soak for at least 5min longer if you can. then keep her where she has to rest till you see she isn't limping any longer. You can soak as often as you like but at least 1X a day. and water therapy where her floating takes weight off her legs. Hope you see improvement quick.

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