Toys for Chicks

I also setup a "playground" when I setup the brooder and before the chicks are in it. I put a 2"x2" on the floor of the brooder for them to practice to roost. Some of them will start using it almost immediately. Also put a 1" x 2" or 2' x 2" on blocks about 3" off the floor of the brooder.

Some chicks like a stuffed animal to sleep on. Obviously one that will be thrown away. You can get them for almost free at garage sales and 2nd hand stores. I have used these in the past. This reminds me that I need to come up with a couple before I get my chicks in a few weeks.
I used a stuffed animal for them to play on (they mostly cuddled and slept on it), an upside down clay pot which my 2 1/2- 3 week old chicks LOVED to jump up and down on (I plugged the hole to prevent them from catching a leg), different size roosts, and occasional Cheerios. Crickets are a real fun time. Very young chicks really love upside feather dusters--just like a mom!
Reviving this thread for chick season :D

My babies have one of the jingly cat toy balls, and the Wyandottes seem to play with it the most. They also have a couple of single layered bricks and branches for running around on (they play queen of the mountain on the bricks and also run off of them full tilt with their wings spread - pretty awesome to watch), a couple of plastic cat toys that look like the rings off of a milk carton (they love these - they toss them around) and a stuffed puppy near their heater to curl up on and hide under.

One of our BA's (nicknamed Pancake by the hubby) is obsessed with the puppy. He sleeps under it's leg all snuggled up.
how old do they need to be for adding apples and stuff in the brooder?, my chicks are from 4-6 weeks old
I put a screw n a straw berry and tied it 2 a string on a stick and my 2 little 6 day old banties went crazy over it they are pecking it back and forth like crazy
We have one little chick that is so lonely. The rest of the hatch didn't make it, and she's all alone. We put some rubber ducks in the brooder and a piece of wood to climb on, but I think I'll try the stuffed animal too. She is attached to all the humans around her because she doesn't have any little chicks to play with. Poor thing...
I use a big bath towel for brooder bedding... it is larger than the bin, so I make a mountain and cave structure on one side with the excess towel. (Not so high that they can jump out of the bin, tho!) They have been having a blast running up the mountain and flapping their little winglets as they jump off. They also explore or sleep in the cave and roost/climb on the folds. I alter it every time I change the towel so there is something new. I'm washing the big towels and have a hand towel in there now that just covers the bottom. They are not having as much fun today. LOL.
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How old is your chick? You could try contacting a hatchery or farm near you... maybe they have older chicks to sell? Maybe a feed store?

Countrycake lady- I am looking for a friend, but haven't found one yet. Any ideas for finding one about the same age?

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