TRADE - mandarin drakes


10 Years
Jun 8, 2009
I'm looking for some mandarin keepers that may be in need of drakes. I currently have 6 without hens. Mine were hatched in late May-early June of this year. I would love to find someone with an abundance of hens that is willing to trade a few. I'm ok with shipping if the temps look good on both ends. PM me if this is you.
Hi, I don't have any mandarins. But I was wondering if perhaps you ever sell hatching eggs? I would love to acquire mandarins as they are beautiful birds and my siblings want them also. I want to hatch then so we can hold them and try to tame them. I read taming can be difficult. I have 6 siblings so I am thinking we have a lot of time we could put in to them.
Mine are not old enough to lay yet and probably won't for another year. You might try to contact user Cawooduck... I think he's less than 2 hours from you. Mandarin eggs don't incubate real well. You may be be better off waiting until spring and see if you can find some day old ducklings within driving distance.
I live in Ohio a few hours away and would be willing to pick them up. I have a large pen with a few males already but I don’t have any females for trade. Let me know if your still looking to get ride of a few and how much each or for all of them.


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