Trained chickens. . .video

Awwwwww! Smart little chickies. I have a question. Do you have experience with older lavender Orps? I often wondered if the other Orpington birds (Lavender, Black, White, Blue, etc. . .), have the same sweet disposition as the Buffs. Do you know?
Awwwwww! Smart little chickies. I have a question. Do you have experience with older lavender Orps? I often wondered if the other Orpington birds (Lavender, Black, White, Blue, etc. . .), have the same sweet disposition as the Buffs. Do you know?

Our Lav Orps are only 6 weeks old BUT just the other night the two pullets crawled up my husband's arm and nestled down onto his shoulder. He barely spends any time handling them yet when he came close the other evening and just stayed still...they decided he would make a nice roost...taller than the other chicks were on.
From what I've heard from others...once an Orp, always an Orp -- all color Orps are easy going and sweet. Thinking of adding some Lavenders to your smarty flock?
Awwwwww! Smart little chickies. I have a question. Do you have experience with older lavender Orps? I often wondered if the other Orpington birds (Lavender, Black, White, Blue, etc. . .), have the same sweet disposition as the Buffs. Do you know?

Our Lav Orps are only 6 weeks old BUT just the other night the two pullets crawled up my husband's arm and nestled down onto his shoulder. He barely spends any time handling them yet when he came close the other evening and just stayed still...they decided he would make a nice roost...taller than the other chicks were on.
From what I've heard from others...once an Orp, always an Orp -- all color Orps are easy going and sweet. Thinking of adding some Lavenders to your smarty flock?

Yes, actually I was wanting to. I think they are so pretty. It won't be until next spring, but I know for sure that I do want more Orpingtons. Thank you so much for the insight. I was hoping that was the case.
Awesome!!! I had to share it on my FB also, for my friends to see how clever they are! Hope you don't mind!
(As a dog person I was happy to see you only gave the command ONCE.... LOL.....)
Thank you so much Tracy.

You are so welcome! I am on the other end of the spectrum. All I had were boys. And to top it off.....both my Grandbabies....are boys!
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That's so cute!! I'm surprised they run to the coop without getting treats. Even with treats ours get sidetracked along the way. Was so busy thinking about chickens I forgot to add I like your blog and your jumping chicken photos are excellent
Had to edit again, your girls are beautiful.
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Thank you very much Rebekah. They are pretty good about going into the coop (thank goodness). It's very useful when I'm in a rush to leave the house quickly and they need rounding up. I'm glad you liked my blog. Please feel free to sing up to "follow by email". Each time I post, you'll be sent a notification.
Have a great day!

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