Trap shy raccoon?

We place a trap inbetween some barrels. That way nothing can go around or on top. We've been having pretty good luck catching the unwanteds. We mostly use tuna as bait.

I have the chicken food in big trashcans. I can move them outside and put a piece of wood behind them, squeeze the trap between the cans. If he's not trap savvy, that should work.
There's only one size duke dog proof. There are just different makers of the trap and the traps have different names. Some have two way triggers and some have pull only triggers. There's the duke dp, Bridger t3, freedom brand dp, diablo dp, z-trap and a few more. They all work about the same.
I take an empty tuna can, punch two holes in the bottom with a screw driver and then zip tie it to the bottom of the trap. This makes it so the raccoon can't shake the trap and move the bait to the edge where he can get it without going in the trap. I take 5-6 large marshmallows and stuff them into the can. They should be tight, so even if you flip the trap upside down, they will not come out. So the only was to get the marshmallows is to go in the trap. Has worked like a charm for me.

Yes, you can catch cats in these traps. My main trap size is 11x11x32, and I've caught my barn cats, the local tomcat. They just have to wait until I get up to let them go.

I meant the Duke Dog Proof Raccoon Trap, can a cat get caught in one?

We set the trap like the one above again tonight, only used a tangerine to see what would happen. The tangerine was old and starting to shrink and go bad. My husband put a thumb through it to make the smell stronger. I don't think the cats will bother it.

We put cat food, liver flavor, in the trap last night. Caught Mama Cat and yeah, she had to wait until someone got up this morning to let her out. I didn't think liver flavor would be a loud enough smell to catch the coon but my husband went to the store and he's gonna do what he's gonna do no matter what I say.
I don't expect to catch it tonight so we will try both tomorrow night and hopefully, the cats won't want any peanut butter.

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