Treating Bumble Foot and got stabbed with the scalpel

Peach Mom

In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 27, 2012
My hen was limping and I discovered she had a pretty minor looking case of Bumble Foot on both feet. While scraping the worse foot with an exacto knife, the chicken jerked her foot and caused the blade to puncture my finger (thankfully it did not get her). I poured alcohol on it, wrapped with a paper towel and resumed what I was doing. It was a good little puncture but did not require stitches as it stopped bleeding in the time it took to finish up with the hen. I really do not have time to go to an emergency care place tomorrow. Has anyone else ever done anything this silly and had no issues?
LOL, Yeah, been there done that. You did the right thing by putting alcohol on your finger, that's what I do too. I also like to hammer my thumb (miss the nail owww) sometimes even try to saw the tip of my thumb off with a circular saw. (That hurt!)
I had a tetanus shot about 5 years ago, I'm good to go and step on a nail next lol.
LOL, Yeah, been there done that. You did the right thing by putting alcohol on your finger, that's what I do too. I also like to hammer my thumb (miss the nail owww) sometimes even try to saw the tip of my thumb off with a circular saw. (That hurt!)
I had a tetanus shot about 5 years ago, I'm good to go and step on a nail next lol.

Thanks, I feel like I did not do so bad after reading this!

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