Treating for fly strike / is yellow (scrambled egg) looking puss normal


6 Years
Aug 18, 2017
I have been treating my little rooster for fly strike - I believe he got a puncture wound and I was not aware until he wasn't acting normal - We cleaned (soaked in epsom salt and Dawn Soap) and removed all the maggots. The wound was pretty deep and we Injected Vetricyn into the site, kept him in a fly free clean environment. I was able to give him some antibiotics (for about 5-6 days) and I was soaking him and spraying him but this yellow cheesy (scrambled egg consistency) stuff kept growing over the wound - I've completely removed it a couple times and cleaned the wound - but should I? Is it normal or not? Does it protect the area for healing or keep it from healing? It keeps growing back no matter what I do...I've been treating him now for about 3-4 weeks - The first picture is today after a soak and I could peel it back, the second picture is of what I removed a couple weeks ago. The wound area seems to be getting smaller and in places looks like it is healing but how long will this go on? Any idea?


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The yellow looks like infection. I would probably soak him once a day, and try to gently rub off the yellow gunk and the surface of the dead looking tissue with a clean rag. This is called debriding the wound to uncover the healthy tissue. Then rinse and apply plain Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment twice a day. It will continue to shrink.
The yellow looks like infection. I would probably soak him once a day, and try to gently rub off the yellow gunk and the surface of the dead looking tissue with a clean rag. This is called debriding the wound to uncover the healthy tissue. Then rinse and apply plain Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment twice a day. It will continue to shrink.

Thank you for your response. I've been trying to decide if I'm doing right or wrong! It keeps growing back and it seems like it is growing new flesh underneath but pulling it off is like taking off a scab with a bunch of yellow stuff attached....geez it is gross! LOL.

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