treatment for cocci? Dying chicks please help

there is bloody poop, and death. this afternoon one of them was just lying on the ground fully alert. when I put him on his feet he was wobbly, still had function of his feet but couldn't stand up. i tried to get him to drink the water but he died within the hour. I am giving them sodium sulfa.... can't pronounce the name. when I opened up the 2 first ones that died I looked at them and they had the weird looking intestines that I saw in a couple of pictures of cocci. It's just really frustrating seeing them go one by one without knowing when this thing will stop.
Shoot! things have taken a turn for the worse.... my chicks are doing ok. they are still hunched over and ruffled up on their second day of treatment
but I noticed a hen in my other coop all hunched over too. I brought her into the house immediately to isolate her. I sprayed the poopy spots in the run with a mild bleach solution to kill the bacteria and hopefully keep it from spreading to my other laying hens....
am I doing this for nothing??? should I just go ahead and treat the whole flock? I really need the eggs
Sulmet is better than corid! As a goat owner as well as various poultry breeds, I can tell you that Corid is not as effective in treating cocci. as a sulfa drug like sulmet. It sounds like things are pretty bad so I would def. go with sulmet in the water. Cocci lives in the soil. so if you have one chicken with it ti will quickly spred. treat the entire flock and not just those showing symptoms.
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I would treat the whole flock. It sounds like you have a really bad coccidia problem going on. Usually older birds build up an immunity to coccidia though. They aren't the usual victim. Could anything else be going on with the older bird? Have you wormed your laying flock? Dust them for lice and mites? You can't always see them easily. It doesn't hurt to use a pyrethrin poultry dust on them a couple times a year. Worms and tiny blood suckers can make them sick and kill them too. I would still start your older birds on Corid if you notice diarrhea/blood. Hope that helps.

also, you may have to use a dropper to get some down your sicker birds if they are not drinking much of your medicated water.

I am having a nightmare on cocci on my young flock of chicks, I have lost too many to count. I went from on the floor to raise wire floor to prevent it spreading it further, it seems to help, but still losing chicks. I have always given them medicated chick starter, so for its not doing its job! I read somewhere on here that milk helps chicks get better? My neighbor's goats just had their kids, and I can get some of their milk if that will help the chicks. Thanks for any advice!!!!!
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I have heard that milk coats the intestines and can help. What I have seen suggested is to mix their feed with powdered milk 50/50. Be sure to start them on Corid or Sulmet ASAP though. It is the only thing that will cure it. Good luck!
Would giving them raw milk instead water for a few days help?

Not sure about the raw milk but i wouldn't remove the water. Just thinking if they don't like it much they might get dehydrated. Are they on Corid or Sulmet? Medicated feed is not enough when they have coccidiosis. The medicated feed is only a preventative.
Would giving them raw milk instead water for a few days help?

Not sure about the raw milk but i wouldn't remove the water. Just thinking if they don't like it much they might get dehydrated. Are they on Corid or Sulmet? Medicated feed is not enough when they have coccidiosis. The medicated feed is only a preventative.

Where can I get corid? I will try raw goats milk for a few days to see if that will work. Thanks!
Not sure about the raw milk but i wouldn't remove the water. Just thinking if they don't like it much they might get dehydrated. Are they on Corid or Sulmet? Medicated feed is not enough when they have coccidiosis. The medicated feed is only a preventative.

Where can I get corid? I will try raw goats milk for a few days to see if that will work. Thanks!

I heard the calcium in the milk will counteract the drug. Unless they are really needing it I would focus on treating them and then as soon as you are done give them milk

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