Treatments for Prolapse Duck Phallus (Penis) - Under Construction - Updated 2-9-2021

hi everyone I just wanted to say that my boy had his out for like 30 mins this morning so I gave him a warm compress on the area, I held him while my mate put some organic water based lube with aloe on it and near the vent area, gave him a fresh pool, and separated him from the flock other than his wife. Two hours later and it’s back up in the shoot so if anyone is wondering what can be done immediately this worked for me and his noodle looked healthy.
After 7 days of a routinely
- put duck in clean bucket with water - apply KY - try to get it inside - take the duck right out again...
Yesterday I managed to push the little culprit back inside. Popped out again with the first sneeze. But this morning it was and stays up where it belongs! 🎉
My drake is currently prolapsed. I cut some of the dead tissue but there is some more on one side. I clearly need to cut more off I am just scared I am going to hurt him. I have 10 blades and surgical scissors to get the job done. But how much feeling does he have? How much will it bleed? I got some healthy tissue in my last snip and there was a little blood but I am worried there will be lots of blood when I get to the healthy tissue. I need a bit of a pep talk to finish the job. I think being inside is worse than the prolapse to him.

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