Treats for 7 week old chicks


Feb 2, 2023
New Orleans, LA
My chicks just moved to their outdoor run/coop and I want to start giving them some treats so I can train them to feel safe around humans. Are there any specific treats that are better for younger chicks? I tried giving them some leftover boiled corn today and they had no interest in it.
Hard boiled eggs are good.
Also, just making a mash out of their chick starter/grower feed by adding a little water is also normally very popular.
Make sure they have access to grit.
Hard boiled eggs are good.
Also, just making a mash out of their chick starter/grower feed by adding a little water is also normally very popular.
Make sure they have access to grit.
How often do I need to put out grit? I did throw some in and around their dust bath as well as a handful on a rock (most of that has disappeared). Not sure how often they go through grit and need more
How often do I need to put out grit? I did throw some in and around their dust bath as well as a handful on a rock (most of that has disappeared). Not sure how often they go through grit and need more
I'm not entirely sure, as my ground has so much in it I don't have to give them any most of the time.
When they are fully grown they will want to have plenty available at all times.
But I have heard that some chicks gorge on it, so you might want to limit it a bit.
I might put a nice amount down, and then watch them for a bit and see what they do with it, and go from there.
As noted, a wet mash of their feed is great bc it doesn’t dilute their nutrition.

Eggs -hard boiled, scrambled are fine too. But can sprinkle this on top of wet feed.

Chickens are prey animals. In their minds, hard wired, they think EVERYTHING will kill them. And they are likely to stay “unfriendly” or skittish until they begin to lay. Once they begin to lay, usually they get more friendly. Some chicks are less skittish, of course. Some are more skittish their whole lives.

You can make sure you are out and around them, they will get used to you. Keep in mind though that new things can freak them out. A skirt, different colored pants, swinging laces on shoes or boots all serve to freak them out. And plastic bags - they will hightail it to get as far away from you as possible, for some reason chickens HATE the sound of plastic bags, although I’ll guess they could get used to the sound eventually. But a plastic bag in the wind WILL kill them in their mind.

Being around them, sitting down for them to get used to you, being consistent, are all ways for them to have the best chance for them to be friendlier to you…but it might take until they lay for them to be really friendly.

Good luck.
How often do I need to put out grit? I did throw some in and around their dust bath as well as a handful on a rock (most of that has disappeared). Not sure how often they go through grit and need more
On the grit, I've made the option for it to always be there, circled in the photo. I zip ties it to the pen, just the top so if I ever need to clean it, the bottom comes off. Green is oyster shell(for when they are 18+weeks) blue is grit. Just a suggestion.

And wet food is a favorite. I just wet it in the scoop and pour into a tubberware sandwich container.


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ive got some 1 week olds that love their mash with water as a treat and some 4 week olds that love the same with some mealworms on top

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