Treats for Ducks?

I will have to try peas. Gave mine cooked black beans yesterday and they didn't seem to care for them. Picky rascals!
uh ooh! how come they cant have spinich? i give it to mine!
I offered Squeaky some plain yogurt yesterday and she really did not care for it. Time to try something else.
Look back one page I is something about lowering their ability to absorb calcium...substitute Kale.
Look back one page I is something about lowering their ability to absorb calcium...substitute Kale.

ooh thanks!
my ducks will pretty much ONLY eat watermelon. we give them anything else, and they look at us like "you're joking right? where's the watermelon?" they came running one day because i was wearing red gloves, poor things thought they'd get a nice treat!
I've read some sites claiming that people feeding stuff like bread and popcorn to the ducks in public parks can make them "too fat to fly." Anyone know if this really happens? I suspect a lot of them may actually be domesticated breeds that couldn't fly in the first place.
I give my ducks floating Koi sticks, which they love. So i bought a big 50lb bag of floating fishfood from the feed store figuring they'd be extatic. They were less than thrilled. They wouldn't even touch it. What punks...

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