Tree Frog With Wounded Leg- Urgent, Please Help


Aug 14, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
While outside this evening, I found a wounded treefrog sitting by my pond. The frog is currently in my semi-aquatic, filtered treefrog terrarium with three smaller frogs of a different species. I have included photos of the injury; the bone looks like it's broken, and the frog is unable to move the lower half of his leg. Thoughts? I can't take him to a vet because my family and I don't know of any amphibian/reptile specialists in our area, and a trip would be considered "too expensive" for a frog that might die anyways. What should I do? How do I clean the wound? I have alcohal, witch hazel, and several other things on hand. Does his leg need to be amputated? I know that he/she probably won't survive in the wild with a half-leg or mangled one, so it might need to become an indoor pet; in that case, what would I feed it? Also, does anyone know the frogs' gender? I can set up a separate terrarium if needed, and I have a hermit crab heater, several filters, bedding, a drip system, and other terrarium equipment on hand if so.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it, and I'm sure the frog would too!


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does it move it’s leg?
It looks more like an infection than a break.

You could call your local extension agency tomorrow and ask them if they know of any local vets who take in injured wildlife, or the number of your local don’t.

I live in Wilmington and I know of one veterinary hospital here that accepts injured wildlife at no charge and there are a few wildlife rehab centers that will take animals if you can either bring it to them or get it to one of their volunteers who relay the animals to them.

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