Tricks for keeping peachicks quiet


8 Years
Apr 25, 2011
Okay, so peachicks are cute as hell and I love them but WoW can they be loud. I have mine in a brooder in the bathroom to keep the temp regulated and keep an eye on them. I spend a lot of time playing with them and holding them and so does my son and husband but we can't be in there all day and they get really loud when left alone. They have that really high pitched chirp, I know you guys know the one I 'm talking about.

I've tried a few things. Putting a chick with them worked until it got to heavy and started jumping on the new babies. A stuffed animal didn' t work, neither did the mirror, although they love looking in it. I put in a radio and that seems to be working so far. I have it on classic rock and they seem to have good enough taste in music not to chirp over it

Anyone else tried anything that did or didn' t work?
I think they are missing their moma, which is YOU. congratulations you now have bonded chicks!!

Ours were in our bathroom too until they were 5 days old, then they went out in the brooder in the greenhouse.

They went in the greenhouse because of their loud chirping. it was so sad they run at us when the door is open like you see chicks do in the wild
anything to keep up.............
For my peachick, I try to leave it when it has its back turned. That could be hard to do with so many peachicks but with my lone one it is easy to wait for it to start eating or something and then run away. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. Whenever someone walks by the pen the peachick starts crying again and if I go by the pen I crawl past it so it doesn't see me or my face. Right now it is perched up on its log looking out but it is being quiet. When it was younger I could put it in a padded lunchbox with a small towel over it infront of the heat lamp and it would fall asleep and be quiet. Now it doesn't like to do that anymore so I have to take it out and hold it, then get out my big white feather boa and put that on top of the peachick. The boa works great because it is more natural kind of like being under the mother and also the feathers keep heat in really well and so the peachick gets all comfy and falls asleep. I will do that in front of the TV or in front of the computer or whatever when I get tired of Peep peeping.

It is fun to have a peachick imprinted on you, but it isn't fun when they constantly cry for you.

I have to put them in a long box with 1 end near the heat lamp and a towel over it to get them to sleep in the evening. Darn things were staying up all hours of the night.
The radio is still working really well. As soon as I turn it on they quiet down. Probably the voices calm them. I have 1 three week old, 2 two week olds and 2 one week olds.
I just got back from a week long vacation yesterday...We were close enough to our house that every few days we would check on Peep and make sure the pen was clean and put out fresh food and water. The whole time we were gone we left the TV on for Peep which worked really well I think. Now that Peep has gotten used to being left alone she doesn't follow me around much anymore but still cries for me.

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