Trouble with the neighbor.

Which I have been doing since this all went down in July

Fast forward to September 21 and I got another notice in my mailbox tonight. I have one teenage roo who has a really puny weak crow (stealth EE roo, thought he was a girl till recently) and 20 girls who don't hardly make a sound. The coop is practically odorless. There is absolutely NOTHING to complain about. This time the "notice" (another doorhanger thing) did not cite noise - just said no chickens allowed, which isn't even 100% true.
I'm highly tempted to stow all my chickens away at the in-laws (which I hate to do coz they can't free range there) and report EVERYONE in town who has chickens!!! Which would be mean, but only fair in the eyes of the law, right? If I have to get rid of my girls I WILL become the annoying neighbor who reports EVERY little thing I see. *sigh*
I really just don't have the time or energy to put up a huge fight trying to change laws.
Of course, blowing the annoying neighbor to kingdom come sounds like a good idea too....but I don't fancy the idea of jail
I haven't seen his dog in a long time, so long that I don't even know if he still has it, otherwise I would be complaing about it right back.

You need to go to the town hall and get the ordiance that says yes you can have chickens then file a harressment suit against your neighbor. I hate neighbors that think they can bully others. I have one that luckily hasn't tried anything this year or he would be spending some time in jail.
If anyone had bothered to look at the OP's byc page, they would see she might have 1/2 acre of land, max. She had all these roosters in July that were for freezer camp and were old enough to be butchered than; (what was it, 20+?) and still hasn't butchered them.

It just doesn't look as if she has enough land to have all the chickens she does have, let alone any roosters. Heck, my laying hens can cause quite a ruckus!

It doesn't take a ton of effort to be considerate.
I did just that after a couple moved in to our subdivision from the city and within a week started griping about our animals and everything else that didn't meet their approval.
I finally pulled our copy of the convenants and highlighted everything pertaining to what they complained about. We're not within city limits btw. I took it over and showed it to them and told them that we were fully in compliance with the covenants and with the borough. I politely told them that if they still had a problem with it, they should take it up with the developer, HOA, and Borough management or move back to Anchorage. I did throw in the comment that we moved out here from Anchorage to get away from people like them.
I also mentioned that maybe they should have read the covenants before they bought their property and built their house, otherwise they needed to mind their own business and quit causing trouble or they would find themselves on the recieving end of a harrassment suit. Haven't had a problem since.
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I wonder if we could get a Crow In, kinda like the Breastfeeding protests you always hear about, but have our roosters and cockerels center stage. Or even better, a Lay In - and bring the ladies!

What a nasty neighbor.
Too funny! Let 'em have it! I told my neighbor not to worry about my rooster that just started crowing, that he would be leaving soon. She told me she kind of liked it, it made her feel like she was out in the country more. Good neighbors are like gold, but bad ones are like septic sludge.
Okay, re-read the whole thread. Tala, you never posted the ordinance that allows chickens, only the at-large and vicious dog sections. Can you post whatever it says about keeping chickens?

Assuming that you are in the right, I would copy the ordinance that gives you the right to keep chickens, and send a certified letter to the animal control officer and the city attorney's office stating that citing you for violation of something you are allowed is inappropriate. Restate the case from beginning to end, including the threat to shoot your animals on your property, brandishing a weapon, threatening, trespass and harrassment. Mention that the roosters were moved elsewhere 2 months ago, and that while the original citation was for noise, no decibel levels were ever taken to verify whether the complaint was or was not legitimate.

I would once again urge you to get a meter and register the number of decibels at several times during the day, and measure them at your property line in the closest place to the complaining neighbor's residence. Include that data in your letter. Tell them what you want: formal acknowledgement that the citation was inappropriate and invalid, that it be formally recinded, that the animal control officer cease taking sides on complaints and investigate complaints impartially, and that his first step in investigation be verifying that a complaint is a valid legal issue.

Also state that you will consider it harrassment if the city continue to cite you for your legally allowed animals, and you will be contacting your attorney if this occurs.
Id of called an attorney already and not just any attorney I use oner out here we call the trustee killer he specializes in township lay and knocks cocky trustees around all the time just got done whuppin on the trustees out here seems they picked a fight with a millionaire...

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