Troubleshooting fermented feed

I just started my first batch of fermented feed a couple days ago. I used this article- Article 'Fermenting Chicken Feed: A Straightforward Method'
My process-
I used Scratch and Peck feeds for the ferment. I covered the feed in 2" of water, placed the lid on top (didn't seal) and let it sit for the first day. The second day the feed seemed to have absorbed all the water, so I transferred it to a different bucket so I didn't overflow the small one, added more water, and let it sit. Since then, I've been stirring it daily and keeping the water at about 2" above the feed. The process seemed pretty straight forward, but now I'm worried I'm doing something wrong.
Its been 5 days since I started, and I'm not getting the "fruity" smell I was expecting, or seeing the bubbles the article stated I should notice once it ferments. It smells like Scratch and Peck thats been soaking in water. Not a moldy smell or a bad smell, just a wet feed smell I guess? I'm not seeing anything concerning, but I'm concerned as to why it hasn't made any improvement or changes in the last few days. Did I ruin it by switching the bucket?
When I stir it, the "fines" in the Scratch and Peck seem to have formed an almost doughy looking bob around the grains. It separates and I'm assuming thats normal since its absorbing so much moisture? I'm not sure. I can get photos tomorrow if necessary. Just a newbie to FF here wanting to do it right. :p
I'm also keeping it in a room thats about 40-50 degrees, encase that matters. Thanks for any insight or tips, I appreciate it.
Your water needs to be either free of chlorine or it needs to stand for a day or 2. Nothing will ferment or sprout in treated water.

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