Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

Something is wrong with the Rangers, on and off for about a week we've been losing one or two, they're fine in the morning, puffed up with an empty crop and shriveled purple comb that evening and dead in the morning :confused: I've been separating and giving them electrolytes and probiotics and such but it hasn't been working too well (only one got better) I've also been doing nercropsys and I haven't been able to find anything wrong with them so we took some to a state lab (about 20 minutes away, isn't that nice?) and THEY couldn't find anything really wrong so they're sending them to Auburn :eek: So until we know more I've been banned from even going near to layer flock as they haven't shown any signs at all, which makes us think either it's the RRs breeding or maybe something where we have them. So for the safety of the layer flock I can't interact with them.
woah, that's a lot :eek::mad:

GUYS! I found the website with emoticons and look at a few of the ones i found:



just a few of the ones i found....
i wonder where BYC emotes come from! *cough*
XD I'm not totally done with it yet. ;)

Something is wrong with the Rangers, on and off for about a week we've been losing one or two, they're fine in the morning, puffed up with an empty crop and shriveled purple comb that evening and dead in the morning :confused: I've been separating and giving them electrolytes and probiotics and such but it hasn't been working too well (only one got better) I've also been doing nercropsys and I haven't been able to find anything wrong with them so we took some to a state lab (about 20 minutes away, isn't that nice?) and THEY couldn't find anything really wrong so they're sending them to Auburn :eek: So until we know more I've been banned from even going near to layer flock as they haven't shown any signs at all, which makes us think either it's the RRs breeding or maybe something where we have them. So for the safety of the layer flock I can't interact with them.
20 minutes?!?! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Dude, our state lab is AN HOUR AWAY, and THATS only if the traffic is good!!! :th

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