Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

Thank you! I'm surprised as to how beautiful their feathers turned out, and they have such amazing personalities too! They are the best breed of chicken we own so far!:ya
I literally said "oh my goodness they're so beautiful" out loud when I saw them. :th :love :love
Out neighbor's have a turken. Every time I see her I tell her she's beautiful, since no one else does :p
Yeah they are pretty awesome.

Cool! How many made it?

Let's see... We started with 11. Missed one from their nest and thee dog killed it. Four died so we were at 7. One escaped and is still making it really well. So we let six loose, but 7 made it. :rolleyes:
They were all very happy to be out. :lol:
@PeepersMama @ChickenMama6RIR @Or whoever else was talking about trampolines.... (I forget who it was LOL)
Other People.png
Yep! I personally was more glad to not have to take care of them anymore. I've got three different coops - not including the horses - that have to get rounded up when it rains. It usually thunderstorms a lot in the summer, and as we all know chickens aren't very smart sometimes. :rolleyes:

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