Try your hand at sexing my crew part 2


7 Years
Feb 16, 2014
The Frozen Tundra
I didn't have a helper so I just took a lot of pictures of these guys going about their business. These 5 red chicks are stumping me. They are 7 weeks old. These are the only 5 I have that are this breed/mix. The roos of my other breeds have very red combs and none of them are in any doubt. These red ones all look the same to me. i hatched them myself and these are the only 5 that hatched to be this breed/mix. I can't believe that would all be pullets but their yellow or slightly pink combs are suggestive of that. Some of their feathers look pointy in these pics but in real life I can't detect any pointy feathers. So here is a bunch of pictures of these 5 seven week olds. What do you think?

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Yes, I agree...but then ya never know til they crow!!

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