Trying to build the ideal Coop for 20-30 chickens in Southern Thailand.


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 23, 2008
Phuket, Thailand
Considering the heat and humidity year round here in the jungle of Southeast Asia as well as many other factors in building the ideal coop for our free ranging birds. I'm looking at a building 5 meter by 5 meter block building to double as a workshop and coop. About 75% will be workshop with 25% left to the birds. To have a full floor to ceiling block wall dividing the two sides. I am looking to make the workshop fully enclosed by block and wondering the best option for the coop. fully enclosed, block for bottom half and tight hardware cloth for top, complete hardware cloth top to bottom. We deal with predators such as King Cobras, Burmese Pythons, very large Water Monitors, Green Pit Vipers, Monocled Cobras and tons of other snakes on down the food chain. I need to be able to provide a very safe place for them and I'm tired of fighting off the tons of scary creatures in the middle of the night armed with garden tools. I also need to make it easy to clean out so will add a good sized service door to one side and a small coop door for the chickens to enter and exit with a ramp. My big concern is ventilation and serviceability. Any help would be very appreciated especially with pictures and experience in areas such as ours.
It sounds like you need a bunch of 1/4" hardware cloth, for predator protection and for good breeze running through the coop. If possible, you may also want to run a fan in the coop on the hotter days, which I do during the summer here. I would consider an open sided coop/run combination, as it will save a buch in material costs while at the same time providing maximum breeze. Check out the designs in this thread for ideas:
Judy, you're awesome. Thank you. That thread is exactly what I was looking for. Just got finished with another predator encounter. This time a small 2 1/2 meter burmese python. He didn't hurt any of the girls and will now be feeding us with about 5 lbs of free meat. I need to get the new coop up quick. Thank you and God bless! -Duke
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I'm so glad it was helpful.

I was really impressed with that thread when I first ran across it, and I've posted that link many times since.

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