Trying to decide which breed or breeds?


In the Brooder
Mar 17, 2022
I currently have a very mixed flock some decent egg layers and a partridge Cochin rooster. There are 11 of them. I really want another flock of one breed and possibly mix in the future. I’m looking for egg production and something that is at least slightly docile because my wife and her little brother help out when I’m at work (and I don’t want them getting harassed at all the time). My two flocks will he kept separate for the time being and will not be free ranging but have plenty of enclosed run. And the new flock of one one breed will be about 10 hens and 1 rooster hopefully.

Im stuck between:
Black copper Marans
More partridge Cochins

Any information on temperament, egg production, and relative pecking order to other breeds would be great. And they will be confined to their run if that makes a difference. Hope y’all can help me make up my mind.
One day I hope to add a couple of Welsummers. I've read many things about them being intelligent birds. They're also beautiful!
I have a Cochin/NN cross and she goes broody fairly often, which I've learned is a Cochin trait. She's very sweet and has a Silkie hen that she's bonded to and seriously takes up for.
I have a Marans hen that is a mix of Marans (hatchery created dark brown egg layer). She looked like a crow as a pullet and was a very shy timid. She is now the big boss and she can be quite assertive with her flock aka underlings. I feel bad for her flockmates sometimes. She is still great with humans though. She has egg shell issues often. All of these things are more individually based.
I know integration is a pain in the back, but it'd be nice if you could get some hands on experience with each breed. I wish you luck in deciding
One day I hope to add a couple of Welsummers. I've read many things about them being intelligent birds. They're also beautiful!
I have a Cochin/NN cross and she goes broody fairly often, which I've learned is a Cochin trait. She's very sweet and has a Silkie hen that she's bonded to and seriously takes up for.
I have a Marans hen that is a mix of Marans (hatchery created dark brown egg layer). She looked like a crow as a pullet and was a very shy timid. She is now the big boss and she can be quite assertive with her flock aka underlings. I feel bad for her flockmates sometimes. She is still great with humans though. She has egg shell issues often. All of these things are more individually based.
I know integration is a pain in the back, but it'd be nice if you could get some hands on experience with each breed. I wish you luck in deciding
Thanks for your response. I think you’re right about getting some hands on with each breed. I might just start another mixed flock made up of the ones I’m interested in and see what I like best. Chicken math
I currently have a very mixed flock some decent egg layers and a partridge Cochin rooster. There are 11 of them. I really want another flock of one breed and possibly mix in the future. I’m looking for egg production and something that is at least slightly docile because my wife and her little brother help out when I’m at work (and I don’t want them getting harassed at all the time). My two flocks will he kept separate for the time being and will not be free ranging but have plenty of enclosed run. And the new flock of one one breed will be about 10 hens and 1 rooster hopefully.

Im stuck between:
Black copper Marans
More partridge Cochins

Any information on temperament, egg production, and relative pecking order to other breeds would be great. And they will be confined to their run if that makes a difference. Hope y’all can help me make up my mind.
I have a flock of 9 buff Orpington hens. They are very docile and affectionate with big personalities! They are curious about all people and are always gentle. Mine just turned a year old and have been laying since this past September. They laid an average of 3-5 eggs consistently through the winter (with no artificial light) and are now averaging 6-7 eggs per day again. I’m in western KY, and we have at least moderately cold winters. This breed is heavily feathered and cold hardy. We also have very hot and humid summers, which seem harder on them than the cold temps. I freeze a gallon bucket of water for them on really hot days and put a fan in their run when it’s hot and stagnant. They love both and have done very well. They also have a fan in their coop that kicks on when the temp in there gets above 65 degrees in the summer. It should also be noted that my flock is easy to catch and handle to check their feet, vents, etc. We are planning to get a buff orp rooster within the next year and breed our own chicks, as we would like to perpetuate the traits of our current flock. Buff orps are supposed to be prone to broodiness and are said to make excellent mothers. Buff orp roosters are supposed to be exceptionally docile…we shall see. Hope you find the breed that is right for you and your family!
I’ve had experience with Cochins, Welsummers, and BCMs. I would say you can’t go wrong with any of these three breeds, but the Cochins may be a bit more broody than the others listed if that matters for your plans. Can be helpful or a hindrance 😆.

I personally loved my Welsummer, she was curious, friendly, active, gentle, and became a momma hen to my Banty Cochins from day 1. She was definitely lower on the pecking order though never picked on. While I haven’t had a Welsummer rooster I have heard they are very good roosters—although it does depend on personality as well. Their eggs are super pretty and speckled and would make fun speckled olive eggers if that ever was of interest.

I also had at one point 5 BCMs and I think they are lovely birds. They are easy going, gorgeous, lay consistently, aren’t real broody, and none of mine are top or bottom of the pecking order. I have them mixed with bantams like silkies and mille Fluer d’Uccles and they get along well and no one bullies anyone else. I would not say they are lap chickens and a couple are very flighty, but that can be a good thing if they are free ranging and not a big deal if you aren’t looking for super pet like chickens. Their eggs are also just so pretty 😍 I’ve only had one boy BCM but did not keep him. He was pretty assertive and bossy very young and I didn’t need that in my flock.

My Banty Cochins are pretty sweet birds, but I would rank them third of the three simply because they lay a bit less, their eggs are rather boring, and none of them are very friendly. They are actually some of the brattier and most flighty birds I have. Beautiful but just not real friendly!
I’ve had experience with Cochins, Welsummers, and BCMs. I would say you can’t go wrong with any of these three breeds, but the Cochins may be a bit more broody than the others listed if that matters for your plans. Can be helpful or a hindrance 😆.

I personally loved my Welsummer, she was curious, friendly, active, gentle, and became a momma hen to my Banty Cochins from day 1. She was definitely lower on the pecking order though never picked on. While I haven’t had a Welsummer rooster I have heard they are very good roosters—although it does depend on personality as well. Their eggs are super pretty and speckled and would make fun speckled olive eggers if that ever was of interest.

I also had at one point 5 BCMs and I think they are lovely birds. They are easy going, gorgeous, lay consistently, aren’t real broody, and none of mine are top or bottom of the pecking order. I have them mixed with bantams like silkies and mille Fluer d’Uccles and they get along well and no one bullies anyone else. I would not say they are lap chickens and a couple are very flighty, but that can be a good thing if they are free ranging and not a big deal if you aren’t looking for super pet like chickens. Their eggs are also just so pretty 😍 I’ve only had one boy BCM but did not keep him. He was pretty assertive and bossy very young and I didn’t need that in my flock.

My Banty Cochins are pretty sweet birds, but I would rank them third of the three simply because they lay a bit less, their eggs are rather boring, and none of them are very friendly. They are actually some of the brattier and most flighty birds I have. Beautiful but just not real friendly!
Thank you very much for the info. So I hatched some eggs recently from my mixed flock and have six chicks. I think I satisfied my craving for new birds for now 😂. By fall I’m going to try to add on to my coop and run to have two or three sections. Then I can have multiple smaller flocks of my choices. Because more chickens equals more fun
I currently have a very mixed flock some decent egg layers and a partridge Cochin rooster. There are 11 of them. I really want another flock of one breed and possibly mix in the future. I’m looking for egg production and something that is at least slightly docile because my wife and her little brother help out when I’m at work (and I don’t want them getting harassed at all the time). My two flocks will he kept separate for the time being and will not be free ranging but have plenty of enclosed run. And the new flock of one one breed will be about 10 hens and 1 rooster hopefully.

Im stuck between:
Black copper Marans
More partridge Cochins

Any information on temperament, egg production, and relative pecking order to other breeds would be great. And they will be confined to their run if that makes a difference. Hope y’all can help me make up my mind.
I've owned all breeds (except Buckeyes) that you've mentioned. This is my experience with them:

Welsummers - better for free ranging though they will tolerate confinement. Not aggressive to other chickens or humans. Friendly but not lap chickens. Of the breeds you listed, this is the breed I keep due to their free ranging abilities, gorgeous eggs, and laying ability (4 eggs/week on average, sometimes 5). Will lay through the winter. Can handle both cold weather and are heat tolerant. They are also auto-sexed if you want to breed. Roosters generally decent but can get a "bad" one.

Bielefelders - Extremely sweet. Also extremely big eaters! They are huge. Great for confinement. Roosters are mellow. Definite lap chickens but taking all else into consideration I wouldn't have a flock due to their ravenous appetite.

BCMS - Females are average in temperment (not aggressive but not lap chickens) and egg laying ability (3-4/week). Either free range or confinement. Have had 3 roosters and every one of them, though gorgeous, were mean.

Cochins - haven't had Partridge, only blue and black and splash. Most are gentle, sweet, lap chickens. They are big and they do have feathered feet so something to take into consideration for those muddy days. Egg laying is not what they're known for but they will go broody if you ever want to set eggs. Roosters are docile.

I've owned chickens for 30+ years; however, this has been my experience only. Others may have had different experiences.
Silkie chickens are pretty good birds. their well tempered and calm but lay small eggs. If you ever need a broody chicken to hatch any eggs they will do it. They are smaller and if they are mixed with different breeds often get picked on because of their size and temperament. I know you never mentioned them but you really should give them a try!
Silkie chickens are pretty good birds. their well tempered and calm but lay small eggs. If you ever need a broody chicken to hatch any eggs they will do it. They are smaller and if they are mixed with different breeds often get picked on because of their size and temperament. I know you never mentioned them but you really should give them a try!
They lay about 1-2 eggs a day.

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