Trying to decide which heritage breed to get....

momma's chickens

11 Years
Mar 10, 2008
My dh finally agreed to some turkeys and I know I want heritage ones. I am not sure what breed to get and the ones I am interested in are Naragansett, Blue Slate and/or Bourbon Reds. I know I want one that we can eat but also can give me babies next spring. Are all the heritage breeds pretty much the same?
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Yea, except for the coloring. I have RPs and I absolutely love them! They are calm and very sweet! But it is up to you!
Cacklin" Hens :

Yea, except for the coloring. I have RPs and I absolutely love them! They are calm and very sweet! But it is up to you!

Well I love the coloring of the RPs, but that they were a much smaller bird. I plan on putting wire on top my pen but still.....

My dh thinks all turkeys are mean which I disagree with, when we were in the feed store last year they were the only babies that were extremely friendly. They were the BBS (?) but still extremely social.​
I have Midget Whites, Bourbon Reds, and one accidental Naragansett (hatched out of an order of shipped BR eggs I received). The BR's and Naragansett are beautiful birds, and all three varieties are friendly. So far we've only tried a BR and MW and found both to taste terrific. Congrats on getting turkeys! They're so much fun. I have 6 poults that have hatched in the past day or so, another egg pipping, and 3 more yet to start. It's fun to incubate/hatch home grown eggs.
I have three breeds. Bourbon reds,narragansette,and bronze. Three toms and 8 hens. All of mine are very friendly and have never been aggressive to me or anyone else. I suggest you get what breed appeals most to you there really isn't a bad choice. I'm gonna hatch some black wing bronze this spring. Can't wait!

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