Trying to ID a duck.

DuckDuck and Goose are outside with my other three ducks trying to figure out "who are THEY?" LOL. Miss Goose gave me an egg this morning and DuckDuck's eyes look nice and clear! Looks like he knocked out the last of that mud last night. So that monster truck DuckDuck is out sitting in the snow looking all handsome!
Well, now that they aren't scared of the new ducks on the block my Caugas are picking on and chasing them. DuckDuck and Goose hide a lot now or try to get away. The Caugas don't want to let them eat or drink either. I don't think it's as much of a problem when their outside but they are when in their shelter.

I thought ducks were supposed to be social animals and accepting of other ducks? Do I just need to give them more time or try to arrange things to keep them separate when indoors?
Ducks are very social, but drakes also have a high mating drive. They also need to establish pecking orders. How many drakes and how many girls? Spring is a tough time of year to integrate grown ducks. It will get better, but if you have 2 or more drakes it could take a bit.
Ducks are very social, but drakes also have a high mating drive. They also need to establish pecking orders. How many drakes and how many girls? Spring is a tough time of year to integrate grown ducks. It will get better, but if you have 2 or more drakes it could take a bit.
That's a good question. The Cayugas both have a curled tail feather. It's just those 2 and the 1 Blue Sweedish. Last year I got 2 eggs in one day, then 1 egg the next, and so on. Never 3 eggs in one day. So there's at least 2 females there plus Miss Goose for 3. The other Cayuga may be a drake, if so that would make 2 drakes.
There's always been one that will sort of chases us to the door. Nipped at boots a couple times but never anything serious. Oh ya, saw one try to mate with my Blue in the pool last year (forgot about that). So unless females do that sometimes too I guess there's 2 drakes and 3 females.
So do I need to separate the them or will they work this out? Miss Goose is being chased away from food and water too when inside. I keep everything outside far enough apart it's not an issue (I think).
I'd set up 2 separate areas but next to each other so the 2 new ones can have peace and eat and drink. Do you have a large or xlarge dog kennel? they work well for inside the coop at night to keep bullying down. Many split their pens in half to give the ducks more time to get to know each other. And since the breeding season is getting underway things may have to stay this way for a while, Depending on how many drakes to females.

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