Trying to sit outside and read

How funny! So they really are super nosy and friendly once they get bigger, huh? Mine are only 6 weeks old and DH keeps commenting on how curious they are, especially compared to the chickens, and asking if they will still be like that when they are older. I have no idea. These of my first turkeys. I dunno if I should be looking forward to it or worried about it!
heehee, so funny!

"Oh hai! I love this book! Did you get to the part yet where...." Spoiler turkey alert!
OMG! Turkeys are a riot, this is why I sold my ducks in favor of them. A duck would nibble your toes while you lay there. A Turkey... goes for a real visit.

I have a tiny Bantam pullet who has bonded with the turkeys. She roosts wedged between them. After work I went out with a fresh can of meal worms, had been out for a couple of days. They were in bed already.

Opened the door, Gobbles shot his head up. Saw I had meal worms, stood up, flung his wings out, and jumped down off the roost. Sent that poor pullet flying, and the other turkey too! Then he had his face into the meal worms before the lid was even half off. What that bird won't do for meal worms!

He even tolerated a visiting 3 year old girl when I gave her the container of meal worms. That's why I ran out... she was liberal with them.

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