TSC Pelletized Bedding - Anyone?

I've been using them for few years. Except I use them for our duck and chicken runs. Even though my run is roofed and fully enclosed when we get alot of rain the woodchips become damp and little bit of puddles along the door. Right before its going to rain toss couple bags ontop of the woodchips they soak up and wetness then turn to saw dust. I do the same in my duck run by the pool areas. We also use them in our bunnies litter boxes
Sure makes the coop look good! But is it OK? Worth it? I had 2 bags in the shed that I’ve had for at least 3 years. Finally decided to use them after i cleaned the coop today. We’ll see how they work. I’m thinking I’ll still add some pine shavings.

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WARNING, THIS STUFF PRODUCES DUST LIKE CRAZY! My coop was hardly breathable when I used it. Make sure your coop is VERY WELL ventilated if you are going to use it.

Also, Guinea Keets don't know that this stuff isn't feed. I had two almost die because they were used to wood shavings in their brooder and they ate the pellets. Their crops got clogged for two days, they wouldn't eat food. Me and two other people had to take turns and force feed them bits of soft butter and massage their crops. After the two (three?) days their crops emptied. I only had this problem with Guinea Fowl Keets though.
WARNING, THIS STUFF PRODUCES DUST LIKE CRAZY! My coop was hardly breathable when I used it. Make sure your coop is VERY WELL ventilated if you are going to use it.
I don’t find this brand particularly dusty in my use, though I have heard that complaint from some who use pellets (in horse stalls), so I wonder if this depends on the humidity where it’s used or other local conditions. Other people love it in stalls and don’t find it to be particularly dusty. I’ve also heard that different brands have different levels of dustiness. I think you just have to try it for yourself.

Also, Guinea Keets don't know that this stuff isn't feed. I had two almost die because . . . they ate the pellets. . .
This would be another reason to dampen it so it breaks down to sawdust before using it with birds. I have heard of this happening with other birds, maybe pigeons? Although I did not have that problem when I used it in my aviary without first dampening it. I didn’t like it used that way for other reasons as noted in my first post and have always moistened it since.
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Maybe I can take the hose and give it a light spray while it’s in the coop. See what that does.
Use the mist setting if possible, use a rake or shovel to churn the pellets after you spray them so the coating on the pellets breaks down. I usually will put a quarter of a bag in a cement mixing bin, spray it, stir it, come back after a held hour, spray and stir, and I keep doing it until 70% of the pellets are broken down. Then I let it sit for a day or two to dry out and then I put it in the coop. I also use construction sand along with the pellet bedding. The sand makes for easy clean up and the broken down pellets still absorb the poop☺️ I use a kitty litter scoop and it literally takes about 10 minutes to scoop the poop tray and any other poops that are on the floor. I'm going to add First Saturday Lime as soon as our temps are consistently warmer to help keep the smell down.
I hope this helps.
After time, the pellets will break down and you don't need to spray them, but I feel you get way more for your money if you do break them down and also it's a lot softer on their feet. I even have the broken down pellets in their nesting boxes.
I've been using pellets in our coop for a few months now, switching from wood shavings which absorbed nothing. Sand is too heavy for our elevated coop and it's hard to get here and too heavy to lug up and down all our hills.

I didn't wet them at first and my girls were NOT fans of walking on the pellets. My former house chicken refused and I would have to put her on the roost. I had random eggs buried in the run for about 2 weeks because they wouldn't walk across to the nesting boxes. Oh, and I put the entire bag in there and it was too much. I ended up using a wallpaper mister to help them break down, but we still have a ton of pellets that are still pellets.

I spend about 10 min a day scooping it and rake/turn it once a week, throwing in some DE and FS lime now and again. It can be dusty (I've been using a different brand from a local feed store turned Ace). My girls only walk on it to go lay or to roost. I usually close them out when I'm scooping or cleaning. There are residual tiny poop pieces that fall through the cat box scooper, but it doesn't small.I put the scooped poop in my rolly compost bin. It breaks down really fast.

It's been my favorite so far.

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