TSC taking my name and number just for buying chicks?

Just say you don't have a phone as you pull out the cell and the dial the spouse: cognitive dissonance is funny to watch!

Blink blink, look at phone, with mouth open look at you, look back at phone, blink blink

For telemarketers: ask callers name, ask company name, say: thank you, ________. Please do not call me again. If your company calls me again, according to federal law, I can send your company a bill for $500. I really need money.

If you really want to get the money, be sure to write down the info plus the date and time. I have never had the opportunity to collect, though...
no reason to read the riot act to the near minimum wage employee just trying to get to the end of the shift - just make something up

Yes any time I am asked for a name for something that sounds stupid like this (never had it happen on chicks tho) I tell them it's James Jones or Jim Jones, living less than an hour from Indianapolis You'd think someone would ask "really, your Jim Jones" (if you don't know who Jim Jones is google the name and the name People's Temple).
also for phone number there is in my community a phone number (ad supported been around 30+ years) that gives the weather for the local area and also another number (same type set up) for the date/time/temp and sometimes I give out one of those numbers..... Unless it is an auto parts store for a part that has a lifetime warenty then they get the legitimate...

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