Tube Feeding and Odd Poops Continue


Free Ranging
7 Years
May 12, 2016
Decatur, AL
Brief rundown: 11 month old French Copper Maran I have had for 12 days. Initially broken feathers and lots of missing feathers, pale wattles and comb, profuse bloody, yellow, green, white diarrhea.
She has been treated for mites (non were ever visible), treated with Safe-Guard goat dewormer & Corid. Yesterday I started Flagyl twice a day.
I have been tube feeding her since Tuesday night. I started out with baby parrot food, but now I am using baby chick feed, twice a day. The only thing she will eat on her own is scrambled egg.
Below are her current poops, which are better, and her weights.
I am thinking I will increase her feedings to three times a day, possible four.
Thoughts and opinions please.
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Stool samples were “normal.” Her weight is down to 4.74 pounds. I did try small feed balls to hand feed her, which was a complete mess both times today, so I ended up tube feeding her for lunch. Flagyl was suggested after Corid and Dewormer.
Her crop was squishy last week. Now, it is a soft ball after feeding. Not normal, but much improved. She has lots of new feathers and feels better. She is actually walking around a little bit. Her poops will look almost normal with red, then pass a clear liquid with green pellets.
She will eat a scrambled egg, but only a few bites if feed is in it. She will not eat her feed and I have cut out all other food.
I found a vet a hour away who sees chickens, so I guess that is an option now. Maybe I am just being too impatient and expecting quick results.
Doe the vet think she has enteritis? Is that what the Flagyl (metronidazole) is for?
The vet saw no cocci or worms. I treated her anyway since many tests come back negative, per castportpony. Flagyl was suggested because it treats many protozoa's.
Other than an egg and buttermilk, she won’t eat anything else.
Henrietta has had 4 normal poops, drinking well and ate a few nibbles of food this morning. Hopefully she is on her way to recovery. She is getting vocal, so not sure how much longer she can remain unnoticed. Ha!

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