TudyBOT Feedback & Discussion Thread

The only problem I have with her, is the amount of relatively easy questions she gets wrong. I mean, she said wild birds could fertilize chicken eggs. :th
I mean, wild chickens can certainly fertilize domestic/captive chickens. I hear that's causing problems in the native areas where Jungelfowl are present. And I imagine it's annoying in Florida and Hawaii, where there are large populations of landrace, feral chickens. I have a hard time keeping my Araucana in their pen and not going to visit the Orpingtons. I can't imagine Key West Chickens or whatever the feral ones in Hawaii are called flying into breeding pens.
Is there any way to change the image for Tudy Bot's Corner? I have noticed that it is confusing members with serious health emergencies. Instead of posting in the Emergency forum, they're posting in Tudy's Corner.
Yup, it's on our todo list :)
I've found that, unfortunately, even though TudyBOT can reference outside sources for links, they tend to be obsolete. For example, I asked for links to help identify characteristics of male easter egger chickens at various ages. Out of about 20 links, ALL the external links were HTTP 404 and the internal BYC links seemed to be not relevant to the actual question.

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