Tumors on 13 Week Old Pullet?

I used to work on another farm woth chickens, ducks and turkeys. I almost never touched or had anything to do with the birds but even so the risk is still high. Some things are airborne or travel with dander. I can't say with confidence that I didn't bring anything home from their obviously diseased birds.
I'm sorry that she is getting worse.
Is there any way you would let this sickest one go for testing? That would give you some answers. I'm sure it would be hard, but to me, it looks like there's pus under the scab as well. I can't imagine that she is very comfortable at all.

Do you practice any bio-security where you work or when you come home?
I'm sorry that she is getting worse.
Is there any way you would let this sickest one go for testing? That would give you some answers. I'm sure it would be hard, but to me, it looks like there's pus under the scab as well. I can't imagine that she is very comfortable at all.

Do you practice any bio-security where you work or when you come home?

I could do that, but I’m not sure if I could do that. As long as there’s a possibility that she could have a chance, I want to try to give her that chance. She’s still responsive when you talk to her and doesn’t sit around like she’s sickly and she’s eating and drinking on her own.

We do practice some biosecurity at home, but I admit things could be done better. l hose off the boots I wear before I wear them out around my farm, if my clothes are dirty I change them, I wash my hands a lot before touching my birds after hers and vice versa. Her birds are healthy for the most part, you have the oldies here and there that are a little slow but there’s no major issues that I’m aware of, and she gave me a group of chicks some of her guys hatched this year and they’re all healthy and have reached maturity without something wiping them out.
There are reports all the time of bad hatches at some hatcheries, and many other hatcheries have been named in the past. Sometimes it can involve all chicks of one breed, and sometimes chicks develop diseases they have been vaccinated for.

I just agree that getting one or two tested would be the best way to know for sure what you are dealing with. Sorry that you have had so much illness with these chicks, and I know that it is hard.
There are reports all the time of bad hatches at some hatcheries, and many other hatcheries have been named in the past. Sometimes it can involve all chicks of one breed, and sometimes chicks develop diseases they have been vaccinated for.

I just agree that getting one or two tested would be the best way to know for sure what you are dealing with. Sorry that you have had so much illness with these chicks, and I know that it is hard.

I understand a bad hatch, but I was receiving birds all throughout the year, not just all at one time. I received the first on April 19th, the second on July 19th, and the third on September 20th. All of them incorporated different breeds and weren’t vaccinated because we were told that if you add vaccinated birds to a flock that has unvaccinated birds (a majority of them are vaccinated but not all) then you’ll cause issues for the unvaccinated ones.
I too have had a bad chicken year. I'm responding because I got 3 Cuckoo Marans and all of them were sick. The final bird is still alive in my basement but lost the use of her legs below the hock.
I got the birds from another BYCer who had to many. They had not been in with her flock and I quarantined them. Originally from Rural King but I'm not sure which hatchery they use.
I did open one up and found tumors. Not like you see in pictures of Mareks. I also sent away for a blood test for Mareks ans sampled a few flock members. All came back negative.


This is where I sent my samples. Very friendly and answered all sorts of questions for me.

I personally recommend the blood test. If the bird dies I would get both necropsy and blood work. There are several viruses that look the same but are not.

:hugs I know how you feel. :hugs
I had a terrible year. Terrible.
Got chicks and eggs over 5 times from 5 different sources. I hatched over 15 chicks. I lost over 30 birds this year.
I had foxes kill 3, unknown predators kill 4, skunk kill 2, unknown disease kill 5 chicks, marek's kill 1 pullet and unknown ailment kill 2 chicks, and cocci kill 3 chicks.

I lost literally everything I made and bought. Except for the last 4 chicks.

2018 is a harsh year.

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